
Ansible role to render and execute Kops cluster templates

Primary LanguagePython


This Ansible role handles the generation of Kops configuration files and optionally also updating kops state store as well as creating or updating the cluster.

Full dry-run is supported.

Note: By default only configuration files are created, actual state store or cluster actions must be explicitly stated.

CI build Version Ansible Galaxy

Role tagging

This Ansible role is tagged according to the latest compatible (and tested by us) version of kops used.


  • Ansible 2.9
  • Python lib: pyaml
  • Binary: kops 1.22+

Run-time variables

When using this role it will simply generate the kops configuration files as well as shell scripts to deploy each defined cluster. You can also choose to use Ansible to provision kops. This can be done for multiple different stages as defined below:

Variable Default Choices
kops_update undefined state update, all
kops_cluster_name undefined If kops_cluster list contains more than one cluster definition, you can limit the roll-out to this specific cluster from the list. (Defined by kops_cluster[].name)

Note: As this role is fully dry-run capable you should use it in the following order for productionized stacks:

  1. Dry run to see state store differences
  2. Run state store update
  3. Dry run to see cluster update differences
  4. Run cluster update

Update the state store

In order to update Kops' state store in S3, you need to add the following variable to your Ansible command:

-e kops_update=state

Update the Cluster

In order to apply all settings from the state store to the cluster, you need to add the following variables to your Ansible command:

-e kops_update=update

Update the state store and the cluster afterwards

In order to both apply state store updates in S3 and then update the cluster accordingly, you need to add the following variable to your Ansible command:

-e kops_update=all

Limit update to a specific cluster

In case your kops_cluster list contains multiple items, you can limit the whole roll-out/dry-run to a specific cluster defined by its name:

-e kops_cluster_name=playground-cluster-shop.k8s.local

Additional variables

Additional variables that can be used (either as host_vars/group_vars or via command line args):

Variable Default Description
kops_profile undefined Boto profule name to be used
kops_default_version v1.10.7 Kubernetes Cluster version
kops_default_region eu-central-1 Default region to use
kops_default_image kope.io/k8s-1.9-debian-jessie-amd64-hvm-ebs-2018-03-11 Default AMI to use. See here for other AMIs'
kops_default_api_access [] Array of allowed IP's to access the API from
kops_ssh_additional_cidrs_from_sg "" Name of the Security Group with the corresponding Ingress CIDRs that will connect to the jumpbox via SSH
kops_default_ssh_access [] Array of allowed IP's to ssh into the machines from
kops_externally_managed_egress false If you manage default routing separately, e.g. in case of VGW or TGW please set to True
kops_default_az [a, b, c] Available availability zones to be used by master, worker and bastion hosts
kops_default_master_az [a, b, c] Availability zones to launch master nodes in
kops_default_worker_az [a, b, c] Availability zones to launch worker nodes in
kops_default_bastion_az [a] Availability zones to launch bastion node(s) in
kops_default_master_instance_type t2.medium Default instance type for master nodes
kops_default_worker_instance_type t2.medium Default instance type for worker nodes
kops_default_bastion_instance_type t2.micro Default instance type for bastion nodes
kops_default_master_count 3 Number of master nodes to launch
kops_default_worker_min_size 1 Minimum number of worker nodes per instance group
kops_default_worker_max_size 3 Maximum number of worker nodes per instance group
kops_default_worker_vol_size 200 Root volume size in GB for each worker node
kops_default_ssh_pub_key undefined Public ssh key for create cluster scripts
kops_default_build_directory build Template generation directory
kops_default_aws_account_limit [] Limit generated cluster shell scripts to only run for the specified accounts to prevent accidental roll-out in wrong environment.
kops_default_aws_iam_authenticator_enabled false Enable AWS IAM authenticator
kops_default_dockerconfig [
timeout: 5,
Define a general setting for dockerhub registry, then create kops_dockerconfig_creds in vault
kops_dockerconfig_creds [url: 'URL', timeout, 'TIMEOUT', user: 'USER', token: 'TOKEN'] Please use a valid user and token to login dockerhub, otherwise replace URL to your private registry.
url and timeout are optional

Example definition

With sane defaults

When using the sane defaults, the only thing to configure for each cluster is

  • cluster name
  • s3 bucket name
  • its worker nodes
kops_default_ssh_pub_key: ssh-ed25519 AAAANSLxbLKF6DL8GDFE70AAAAIP8kH/aB4LKI2+S6a921rCwl2OZdL09iBhGHJ23jk

  - name: playground-cluster-shop.k8s.local
    s3_bucket_name: playground-cluster-shop-state-store
      - name: c4xlargea
      - name: c4xlargeb
      - name: c4xlargec

Fully customized

Instead of using somebody's sane defaults, you can also fully customize your cluster.

# Generated shell scripts should only run in those AWS accounts.
# This prevents a user from accidentally rolling it out in wrong environments.
  - 123456789
  - 987654321

  - name: playground-cluster-shop.k8s.local
    master_public_name: api-playground-cluster-shop.example.net
    aws_iam_authenticator_enabled: true
      oidcIssuerURL: https://oidc.example.net
      oidcClientID: clientID
      oidcUsernameClaim: email
      oidcUsernamePrefix: "oidc:"
      oidcGroupsClaim: groups
      oidcGroupsPrefix: "oidc:"
    # https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/blob/master/docs/cluster_spec.md#fileassets
      - name: audit-policy-config
        path: /srv/kubernetes/audit/policy-config.yaml
          - Master
        content: |
          apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1
          kind: Policy
            - level: Metadata
        node: |
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": ["route53:*"],
              "Resource": ["*"]
        master: |
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": ["route53:*"],
              "Resource": ["*"]
    version: v1.10.4
    type: private
    region: eu-central-1
    image: kope.io/k8s-1.8-debian-jessie-amd64-hvm-ebs-2018-02-08
    s3_bucket_name: playground-cluster-shop-state-store
    ssh_pub_key: ssh-ed25519 AAAANSLxbLKF6DL8GDFE70AAAAIP8kH/aB4LKI2+S6a921rCwl2OZdL09iBhGHJ23jk
      - "security_group_name"
    az: [a, b, c]
      az: [a]
      instance_type: t2.micro
      count: 3
      instance_type: t2.medium
      az: [a, b, c]
      - name: c4xlargea
        instance_type: c4.xlarge
        min_size: 1
        max_size: 3
        volume_size: 200
        availability_zones: [a]
      - name: c4xlargeb
        instance_type: c4.xlarge
        min_size: 1
        max_size: 3
        volume_size: 200
        availability_zones: [b]
      - name: c4xlargec
        instance_type: c4.xlarge
        min_size: 1
        max_size: 3
        volume_size: 200
        availability_zones: [c]
          - key: team
            val: me
          - key: project
            value: ion
          - key: name
            val: some-fancy-name
          - key: purpose
            value: something-important
      enabled: true
      image: "<PROVIDER>/aws-encryption-provider"
      kms_id: "12345678-9abc-defg-hijk-000000000001"

Credentials for login dockerhub registry in your vault, there is a task to verify your account. If this user is invalid, the task will fail on verification. If you don't need secret/dockerconfig anymore, you have to remove kops_dockerconfig_creds from your vault.

  user: 'USER'
  token: 'TOKEN'



Run tests

# Lint the source files
make lint

# Run integration tests with default Ansible version
make test

# Run integration tests with custom Ansible version
make test ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.4