
Integrating with Scriptable Render Pipeline

hvent90 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! Thank you so much for providing this project.

I'll close this issue out as soon as I open it because what I'm trying to do it isn't your responsibility, however, I just wanted to float it by you in case you had spare time to share some advice.

I've had a go at trying to integrate this with scriptable render pipeline to no success. Here were the steps I took:

I converted the code in Clouds.cs to become a Post Process Effect. Here is the Gist. Note that I didn't know what to do with lines 86, 88, and 93 so I simply commented them out.

Anyways, I'd be grateful for you if you have any free time and are able to chime in, but certainly, am not expecting a response. Cheers, and thank you for the project!

Just want to update that I figured out how to port full-screen raymarching to the SRP - tutorial