
First Hadoop Assignment

Primary LanguageJava

First Assignment - MapReduce - Louis Gentil

##Part 1

Java Code : Using MapReduce, please compute for each location, the sum of the banking accounts to determine location wealth.

After creating a repository in github I edited AreaBalance.java file I compiled created the jar , run the app and then copied the output on a csv.

  • hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main AreaBalance.java
  • jar cf wc.jar AreaBalance*.class
  • hadoop jar wc.jar AreaBalance /res/mapred_assignment output/areabalance
  • hadoop fs -cat output/areabalance/part-r-00000 > AreaBalance.csv

Question : Is it useful to use the reducer class as a combiner ? Justify.

As we only have one one chunk, it is not, we will perform twice the same operation

BONUS :Provide a csv export for your MapReduce result


##Part 2 With the same process:

