
100 little tasks showcasing how to perform some operations in both scala and rust

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


100 little tasks showcasing how to perform some operations in both scala and rust

My observations:

  1. Rust has far more warnings for everything - dead code, unused variable
  2. Scala new syntax is not yet well colored everywhere
  3. For example non exhaustive pattern matching in scala will result in warning while in rust it would end in error

Day 1 - extend foreign type

Showcase of how to extend types from foreign library ie to add some behaviour.

Scala 3

Since scala 3 there are two language level concepts allowing us to do just that:

Both concepts are very powerful because they allow us to implement polymorphic extensions.

Example is present in: Day1.scala


Rust compiler has notion of coherence - it forces only one implementation of a trait for particular type. Without this property we would be able to write two implementations of a trait and the compiler would have no knowledge which implementation it should use. The rule that guards against this is called orphan rule.

There is nothing stopping us though from implementing our own trait for foreign type (or the opposite). The code doing just that is presented in day1.rs

Day 2 - analyze byte code


You can do it using javap:

cd scala
sbt compile
cd target/scala-3.1.2/classes
# list all methods for all classes
javap -public *.class  

# show byte code for specific class
❯ javap -c Day1\$package
Compiled from "Day1.scala"
public final class Day1$package {
  public static void day1();
       0: getstatic     #16                 // Field Day1$package$.MODULE$:LDay1$package$;
       3: invokevirtual #18                 // Method Day1$package$.day1:()V
       6: return

  public static void hello(Person);
       0: getstatic     #16                 // Field Day1$package$.MODULE$:LDay1$package$;
       3: aload_0
       4: invokevirtual #22                 // Method Day1$package$.hello:(LPerson;)V
       7: return

  public static <T> void veryNiceWelcoming(T, Welcoming<T>);
       0: getstatic     #16                 // Field Day1$package$.MODULE$:LDay1$package$;
       3: aload_0
       4: aload_1
       5: invokevirtual #27                 // Method Day1$package$.veryNiceWelcoming:(Ljava/lang/Object;LWelcoming;)V
       8: return
}❯ javap -c Day1\$package
Compiled from "Day1.scala"
public final class Day1$package {
  public static void day1();
       0: getstatic     #16                 // Field Day1$package$.MODULE$:LDay1$package$;
       3: invokevirtual #18                 // Method Day1$package$.day1:()V
       6: return

  public static void hello(Person);
       0: getstatic     #16                 // Field Day1$package$.MODULE$:LDay1$package$;
       3: aload_0
       4: invokevirtual #22                 // Method Day1$package$.hello:(LPerson;)V
       7: return

  public static <T> void veryNiceWelcoming(T, Welcoming<T>);
       0: getstatic     #16                 // Field Day1$package$.MODULE$:LDay1$package$;
       3: aload_0
       4: aload_1
       5: invokevirtual #27                 // Method Day1$package$.veryNiceWelcoming:(Ljava/lang/Object;LWelcoming;)V
       8: return

Understanding java binary representation: wiki


cd rust
cargo rustc -- --emit asm
# for my case crate name is rust
ls target/release/deps/<crate_name>-<hash>.s

# or alternative:
cargo install cargo-asm
cargo asm rust::main
 sub     rsp, 56
 lea     rax, [rip, +, .L__unnamed_1]
 mov     qword, ptr, [rsp, +, 8], rax
 mov     qword, ptr, [rsp, +, 16], 1
 mov     qword, ptr, [rsp, +, 24], 0
 lea     rax, [rip, +, .L__unnamed_2]
 mov     qword, ptr, [rsp, +, 40], rax
 mov     qword, ptr, [rsp, +, 48], 0
 lea     rdi, [rsp, +, 8]
 call    qword, ptr, [rip, +, _ZN3std2io5stdio6_print17hefffacdf580ae8b0E@GOTPCREL]
 add     rsp, 56

ASM cheat sheet

Day 3 - type conversions


Scala doesn't have specific mechanisms for casting types. The closest thing to this are implicit conversions

Example is present in: Day3.scala


Rust has two types of conversions: coercion and type level expressed using traits From for converstaions that will always success or TryFrom Checkout day3.rs for simple examples of usage.

Day 4 - dependent types

Let's say we want to create an implementation of symmetric algorithm that abstracts over the key length but still is type safe.


We can use the type dependant methods which are super cool but due to Array[Byte] type we cannot express the requirements for the length of the array in type system. It would be easy to perform those checks in runtime.


Rust has a type array [T, usize] which is parametrized by T so array elements type and second parameter - length of the array.

After that we can use const generics to abstract over the length of the array. Checkout day4.rs for simple examples of usage.

Day 5 - enumerations

Creating list of acceptable enumerations for particular type is a very common task.


Since scala 3 there is useful syntax for creating enumerations. Before that there used to be common pattern to declare sealed trait and their implementation inside the same file.

Compiler was able to determine that not all cases for given enumeration were exhausted. Details of the implementation in scala 3 might be found in the reference

Example is present in: Day5.scala


Enumerations in rust are a first class citizens. Many common types are implemented using enums.

Checkout day5.rs for simple examples of usage.

Day 6 - error handling

Error handling is an essential part of every program. Both scala and rust have very nice features around errors. The rule here is not to use any dependencies but only mention them.


Scala has couple ways of expressing possibility or handling of errors: - try catch block to consume piece of code that might result with Exception being thrown - Try[T] a type signaling that a closure passed might end up with successful value of type T or a failed case of some subtype of Throwable this has a drowback of not specifing the error type inside the signature so the reader has to check the implementation or the documentation to understand what can go wrong. - Either[L,R] a type that might contain two values, either left of type L which by convention is marked as failed case or right of type R which means successfull computation. Using Either user retains the ability to express that the code might fail but also retains the ability to subtype the concrete type of the error that the code might return

Example is present in: Day6.scala

The thing that kind of sucks is that the type level exception handling is kind of bolted onto the std lib itself. The example shows the usage of method from scala.io package that has a signature that hides the fact that many things might go wrong.

Since both Try and Either are monads they can easily be used in for comprehensions to compose them


Rust has a single type that is used thoroughly the ecosystem: Result<T,E> it has two possible outcome, success of type T and failed one of type E. There also is a nice question mark operator that allows to bubble up the errors to the caller.

There are two leading crates that are defacto standard in the ecosystem for handling errors https://docs.rs/anyhow/latest/anyhow/ for binary crates and https://docs.rs/thiserror/latest/thiserror/ for libraries (this is a vast simplification but works as a simple rule of thumb)

Checkout day6.rs for simple examples of usage.