
mixing FlexFlow simulator with htsim-based opera simulator

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

FlexNetPacket simulator

This module contains the FlexNetPacket packet-level network simulator. It models the cluster that runs DNN training job based on TopoOpt, Fat-Tree, SiP-ML, Expander and abstract switch network topologies. The source code was extended from the Opera simulator from NSDI 2020, please check the original README file here.


To build the FlexNetPacket simulator, from the top level directory run:

export FF_HOME=<directory of FlexNet>
cd src/clos
cd datacenter


The executables are found in the src/clos/datacenter folder. They have the name "htsim_...". The following table provides details on each executable:

Executable Network Topology
htsim_tcp_fattree Fat-Tree network topology, single job
htsim_tcp_flat Flat Network topology (switchless) for single job. Use this executable for TopoOpt and expander
htsim_tcp_fc Fully connected topology for single job
htsim_tcp_os_fattree Oversubscribed Fat-Tree where the ToR switches are oversubscribed
htsim_tcp_aggos_ft Oversubscribed Fat-Tree where the aggregation layer is oversubscribed
htsim_tcp_dyn_flat Dynamic network used to simulate SiP-ML
htsim_tcp_fattree_multijob Fat-Tree network topology used to simulate multiple DNN jobs concurrently
htsim_tcp_aggos_fattree_multijob Oversubscribed (aggregation switches) Fat-Tree network topology used to simulate multiple DNN jobs concurrently

Brief description on source code

FlexNetPacket's major extention from the htsim simulator allows it to take a taskgraph (in FlatBuffer) generated from FlexNet simulator. To achieve this, src/clos/ffapp.* was implemented as an API to read and process these such taskgraphs. In addition, a few network topologies are added, notably the dynamic network executable that simulates SiP-ML. The network scheduler code can be found at src/clos/dyn_net_sch.*.

Each topology's "main" function can be found in src/clos/datacenter/main_tcp_*.cpp, which provides detailed description on the input arguments for the executable.