
Temperature and humidity on 7-segment-leds on the Banana Pi

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Temperature and humidity on 7-segment-leds on the Banana Pi

Show sensor data of DHT11 sensor on 8 7-segment-leds with MAX7219 driver and the Banana PI (which also should work on a Raspberry Pi).

Compile and install dependencies

Clone the WiringBP github repository and run ./build.
See References for the other needed libraries which also have to be built and installed for usage in this project.

Compile and install

Go to the source directory and use the mighty force of shining CMake :D to compile the pico project.
The wiringPi, dht11 and max7219 sub folders contain internal interface libraries for the installed libraries in the /usr/local folders.
Do make install to install the binary in /usr/local/bin.

(I used Armbian stretch but also more recent versions should work).




Simply start the built executable bpi_temp7 to show the sensor data on the display. The executable has to be started as root.

System inclusion (debian related)

To run the built executable as system daemon the files in the scripts folder have to be installed as root:

  • bpi_temp7 goes to /etc/init.d
  • bpi_temp7.service goes to /etc/systemd/system

To publish the new service in the system do a:
systemctl daemon-reload

And to start the service on system startup do a:
systemctl enable bpi_temp7.service

With scripts installed you also can start-stop the executable:

  • service bpi_temp7 start
  • service bpi_temp7 stop
