
Find application's environments of hosting providers

Primary LanguagePython

Application Environement Finder

The objective of this project is to find development, staging, and production environments for applications hosted by hosting providers that generate default URLs using the application name.

Example, let's find environments of the 'hello-world' compagny:

> ./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world
502 Bad Gateway GET http://hello-world.herokuapp.com
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-dev.herokuapp.com
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-front-prod.web.app
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-front-production.web.app
200 OK GET http://hello-world.netlify.app
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-dev.netlify.app
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-front-prod.onrender.com
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-front-production.onrender.com
200 OK GET http://hello-world.vercel.app
404 Not Found GET http://hello-world-dev.vercel.app

List of domains/hosting providers managed:

  • Scalingo:

    • osc-fr1.scalingo.io
    • osc-secnum-fr1.scalingo.io
  • Clever Cloud:

    • cleverapps.io
  • Firebase:

    • firebaseapp.com
    • web.app
  • Netlify

    • netlify.app
  • Railway

    • up.railway.app
  • Render

    • onrender.com
  • Vercel

    • vercel.app
  • Deta Space

    • deta.dev
  • Pythonanywhere

    • pythonanywhere.com
    • eu.pythonanywhere.com


You can install dependencies with the requirements.txt or with Pipenv

With requierments.txt

pip install requierments.txt

With Pipenv

This project use Pipenv as a virtual environment. You can install Pipenv by following this link

Once Pipenv is installed, create a virtual env with Python 3 with this command:

pipenv shell

To install dependencies, run this command:

pipenv install


Get help

./app_env_finder.py -h

Find environments on all hosting providers

./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world

Find environments on a specific domains

./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world -d hosting-provider.com another-hosting-provider.com

Find environments by giving the environment name

./app_env_finder.py -e hello-world-dev

Find environments by giving the environment names on a specific domains

./app_env_finder.py -e hello-world-dev hello-world-prod -d hosting-provider.com another-hosting-provider.com

Test all HTTP methods

./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world -m

Test some HTTP methods

./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world -m GET POST

Change default timeout

./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world -t 60

Hide request response with specific code

./app_env_finder.py -a hello-world -H 404