
Numerical Methods Project at CIn UFPE 2018

Primary LanguagePython



Numerical Methods Project at CIn UFPE 2018

Flávio Lins da Mota Nascimento


Implement a program that receives an input file, calculates the specified method in it, and generates an output file with the corresponding responses.

The project is specified in this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZzVixoMKZFoYoxQcopg5EMDWU2e57xccHJjP9FWKw3U/edit

Table of Contents:

p.py = master file;

entrada.txt = input file;

RUNME = file to install requirements;

requirements.txt = monitor requirements file;

saida.txt = output file.

How to Execute - Ubuntu


This guide will use pip and virtualenv so be sure you know How to use pip on Ubuntu and you are ready to Create a Python Virtual Environment on Ubuntu.


To run this project, in your terminal go to directory "Numerical-Methods/MethodsProject/" and use the following commands:

source RUNME
python3 p.py

All outputs will be generated in the file saida.txt. For specific outputs feel free to fill the file entrada.txt with your inputs.