
Find-in-files utility

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


fex is a small command line application (currently only) for windows to facilitate
searching in files under known and isolated conditions. I started this project
because I needed a fast way to search in source code files while working in Vim.
Using grep/ack/findstr was too slow for me on huge code bases and I needed a
faster alternative. To achieve this fex has very limited use and by no means does
it replace the programs mentioned above.

For accepted search patterns have a look at http://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax

This project was inspired by qgrep (http://qgrep.com/).

Libraries used

fex makes use of the pthreads, re2 and zlib libraries. The code for these (with the
exception of pthreads) can be found in the libs/ folder. Small changes were made
to get them to compile with visual studio.

See the LICENSE and README files in the sub directories of the libs/ folder for
the relevant licenses.