
Kumande is consume management apps. So you can list and analyze your consume food or drink. Make a budget to set limit of spending. Analyze your health and sync it with your daily consume. Also you can create reminder to remind your daily food schedule or many more. This is the BE apps, created using Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Kumande Backend Documentation


========================= Command =========================

First Run

composer install composer update php artisan key:generate php artisan storage:link php artisan serve

Run Application

php artisan serve

Run Application On Custom Pors

php artisan serve # port=**** ex : php artisan serve # port=9000

Run Migrations

php artisan migrate

Run Seeder

php artisan db:seed class=DatabaseSeeder or php artisan db:seed

Make Controller

php artisan make:controller Controller --resource

Make Model

php artisan make:model

Make Seeder

php artisan make:seeder Seeder

Make Factories

php artisan make:factory Factory

Make Migrations

php artisan make:migration create__table

Make Migrations on Specific File

php artisan migrate # path=/database/migrations/.php

Make Middleware

php artisan make:middleware

Make Mail

php artisan make:mail

Make Deploy

php artisan route:cache php artisan cache:clear php artisan route:clear

========================= File Directory =========================

API Controller

Directory : app/Http/Controllers/Api


Directory : app/Http/Models/<< DB_TABLE_NAME >>

================================================================== Last Updated : 18 Apr 2023