
A tiny evaluation engine for math expressions

Primary LanguageC


A tiny evaluation engine for math expressions

eme is a minimal, iterative, single-header parser and evaluation engine for simple math expressions. It supports standard mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as operators precedence. It is especially designed to evaluate math expressions at runtime.



  • Written in pure C99
  • Single-header
  • Supports standard math operators, constants and functions (All built-ins here)
  • Implements standard precedence of operators
  • Checks for invalid expressions
  • Easy to add custom operators, constants and functions at compiletime


Just add eme.h to your project and you are ready to go!

Basic Example

This example can also be found here.

#include <stdio.h>

#include "eme.h"

int main(void){

	// Evaluate the result of the expression 5.43 + 5 * 5 + (2 ^ 4 + 1.5)
	eme_ret res = eme_eval("5.43 + 5 * 5 + (2 ^ 4 + 1.5)");

	// Check if expression is invalid
	if (res.type == EME_RETURN_TYPE_ERR){
		printf("%s\n", res.err.msg);
		return 1;

	// Output the result
	if (res.type == EME_RETURN_TYPE_NUM)
		printf("%f\n", res.value);

	return 0;





eme_ret eme_eval(char *expr);	// Evaluate expression and return the result



typedef struct _eme_ret {
	double value;	// Result of evaluation (1 or 0 if return type is bool)
	int type;	// Type of result
	eme_err err;	// Error struct (only relevant if type == EME_RETURN_TYPE_ERR)
} eme_ret;


typedef struct _eme_err {
	int status;	// Return status of evaluation (0 - Successful, -1 - Invalid expression)
	char *msg;	// Error message (empty if status is 0)
} eme_err;


Return types

EME_RETURN_TYPE_NUM	// Normal double
EME_RETURN_TYPE_BOOL	// Bool (0 or 1)


To test eme in your terminal, you can open a simple repl (after cloning the repo) by running:

make repl

This lets you input math expressions like a calculator.

Supported Built-Ins


Operator Description Operator Description
+ Addition - Subtraction
* Multiplication / Division
^ Power % Modulo
= Equal (Returns type bool) < Less than (Returns type bool)
> Greater than (Returns type bool)


Constant Description
E Euler's number
T Golden ratio
True = 1
False = 0


Function Description Function Description
sqrt() Square root abs() Absolute value
sin() Sine asin() Arcsine
cos() Cosine acos() Arccosine
tan() Tangent atan() Arctangent
sinh() Hyperbolic sine cosh() Hyperbolic cosine
tanh() Hyperbolic tangent asinh() Hyperbolic arcsine
acosh() Hyperbolic arccosine atanh() Hyperbolic arctangent
lb() Logarithm to base 2 lg() Logarithm to base 10
ln() Natural logarithm exp() e to the power off
ceil() Round up floor() Round down
sgn() Sign (-1 or 1) round() Round
deg() Radians to degrees rad() Degrees to radians
frac() Fraction component trunc() Truncate after decimal point
cbrt() Cube root fact() Factorial

Add custom operators, constants and functions

Custom operators, constants and functions can be added by including them in the corresponding arrays (bi_operators, bi_constants, bi_functions) directly in eme.h.

Structure of an operator:

typedef struct _eme_opr {
	char desc;			// The character used as the operator
	int prio, ret_type;		// The priority used for precedence of operators and the return type
	double (*fun)(double, double);	// The corresponding function pointer to execute the operation
} eme_opr;

Structure of a constant:

typedef struct _eme_con {
	char *desc;			// The string used as descriptor for the constant
	double val;			// The value used for the constant
} eme_con;

Structure of a function:

typedef struct _eme_fun {
	char *desc;			// The string used as descriptor for the function
	double (*fun)(double);		// The corresponding function pointer
} eme_fun;