
A lightweight tiling window manager for X11

Primary LanguageC


A tiny (~102 loc) tiling window manager for X11 with a big focus on a lightweight, stripped down environment. It supports basic functionalities like open a terminal or a launcher, format the size of the windows as well as manage the aspect ratio between them in a clean way. The windows are organized with a master window on the left and a window stack of the other windows on the right side of the screen (like the dwm standard configuration).

Note: The wm is still experimental at this point. Therefore, I would not recommend using yxwm as a window manager for everyday use due to the rather low functional scope.

Alt Text


Dependencies: libx11, libx11-dev

mkdir bin
make install

Start yxwm

Add this line to the end of the .xinitrc file on your system, to start yxwm besides the XServer:

exec yxwm

Then start the XServer:



Keystroke Description
Mod + Return Open a new terminal
Mod + Space Open the launcher
Mod + Left-Arrow Expand the width of the side stack
Mod + Right-Arrow Expand the width of the master window
Mod + Backspace Set the selected window (the window the mouse is on) as master window
Mod + Q Close the selected window
Mod + Esc Quit the wm


You can configure yxwm in the config.h file. Every option is described with a small comment. After configuring the variables, yxwm should be recompiled.