
:gem: augment pretty-bytes to make the output a little more readable (and a little less precise)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


npm travis standard

Augment pretty-bytes to make the output a little more readable (and a little less precise)

Differences from pretty-bytes:

  • The fractional portion is rounded to one digit (ex: 2.1 MB).
  • If there is more than one digit to the left of the decimal, the fractional portion is rounded off (ex: 11 KB).
  • Changed kB to KB, for more prettiness. Regular users are not likely to care about the technical difference.
  • No dependencies.


npm install prettier-bytes


var prettierBytes = require('prettier-bytes')

var pretty = prettierBytes(1337)
// logs 1.3 KB

Examples from test output:

    ✔ bytes: 2 -> 2 B
    ✔ bytes: 9 -> 9 B
    ✔ bytes: 25 -> 25 B
    ✔ bytes: 235 -> 235 B
    ✔ bytes: 2335 -> 2.3 KB
    ✔ bytes: 23552 -> 24 KB
    ✔ bytes: 235520 -> 236 KB
    ✔ bytes: 2355520 -> 2.4 MB
    ✔ bytes: 23555520 -> 24 MB
    ✔ bytes: 235555520 -> 236 MB
    ✔ bytes: 2355555520 -> 2.4 GB
    ✔ bytes: 23555555520 -> 24 GB
    ✔ bytes: 235556555520 -> 236 GB
    ✔ bytes: 2355556655520 -> 2.4 TB
    ✔ bytes: 23555566655520 -> 24 TB
    ✔ bytes: 235555566665520 -> 236 TB


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