
A browser-based chat system with a Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense



FleurBot is a browser-based chat system with a Bot. Examples here

The System

TODO: html & css system

The DataBase

Var botData

contain all matching patterns, actions and characters datas.


This hash handles the characters informations. Each characters need the parameters "name" & "avatar".

fleurbot.data.characters = { user : { name : "The name to display", avatar : "The picture" } }


This hash contain lists of words that can be referred to with the function getVocab("id").

fleurbot.data.vocab = { hello : ["hello","hi","ciao","hey","good morning","good evening",], }


This array contain the matching patterns that uses arrays of words.


A trigger refers to a specific phrase to match. the key is the exact (formatted) phrase to match, the value is the action:


This array contain actions that are randomly executed if the user input didn't match any patterns or if it is a repetition.

fleurbot.data.generic = { none : [ actions ], repeat: [ actions ] }


An action represents the Bot behaviour. It can be a post, a function or a question.

  • autor: (string) the character that will execute this action
  • text: (string) post a new text on the chat.
  • delay: (integer) delay in millieconds before processing the action.
  • fn: (function) a function to execute with the action.
  • answer: (answerList) start a "wait for answer" state.


checkList(id ,words ,needed=false )

used to pick a word from a list. The matching word can be referred to with "##id".

  • id: (string) used to refer to the matched word
  • words: (array) the array of words
  • needed: (boolean) if true, the whole matching pattern will be false if no word from this checkList is found.
keyList(action, words, any=false)

used to define a set of words to match for executing an action.

  • action: (string|array) the action to execute if the keyList is validated.
  • words: (array) the array of words
  • any: (boolean) if true, any matching word will validate the keyList.
answerList(branches, wait=false)

used to define answers branches.

  • branches: (hash|keyList) each branch must contain an "action:" & "words:"
  • wait: (boolean) if true, the Bot will wait until the user input matchs any of the branches.

Syntax tools

for any action text, a few tools are available:

  • \qt ("quote") refers to the last user input
  • \fqt ("formated quote") refers to the last user input formated for query
  • ##id ("matched") refers to the last matched string in checkList named "id"
  • [str](url) ("link") displays a hyperlink. (will be opened in a new tab)