(click to play Demo on itch.io)
Texture scrolling in shaders are a staple to many effects and can come in very handy in your defold game projects. This example project does just that. The project is setup like so:
1 3d model - a simple subdivided plane. UV mapped for tilling whole texture in each quad face. 2 texture images - one background water, one forground waves. Both created to seemlessly tile. Each 64x64 pixels in size. 1 material + vertex program + fragment program. Vertex constant setup for animating UV coords. 1 script to set animation
also a simple collection setup with a camera and custom render script to render models. can be setup with a 2d othographic projection with render predicate for models if needed.
Wrote up a short tutorial on the forum:Texture Scrolling in a Shader
- note: docs folder can be removed as it is just a image used for this github page.
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