
Micro App to create a shopping list from the provided recipes.json

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DataScience's Frontend Code Test


  • This Recipe Table/Grocery List project is written with Angular, Node, Express.
  • It persists data locally using ngStorage module
  • I chose to use Angular as the frontend framework over React because of it's simplicity in creating/updating tables/lists with its two-way binding.
  • Even though it's a simple microapp, I usually try to adhere to the Single-responsiblity principle, so I've decoupled the controllers, services, and views.

Check it out here

  • You can access the project through the instructions below or head on over to letsgoshopping.herokuapp.com. (FYI, it might be a bit slow since it's hosted on a free dyno on Heroku)

Instructions to run locally

  1. In your terminal, navigate to the root folder frontend-code-test
  2. To Install dependencies, make sure you have npm, bower, and node installed globally.
  • Run npm install
  • Run bower install
  1. Run node server.js
  2. In your browser, navigate to localhost:8080.


Using the provided JSON data representing a collection of meal recipes, create a micro frontend application that meets the following criteria:

  • Display a list (or table) of recipes.
  • Allow filtering of recipes by a single ingredient.
  • Add checkboxes to allow selection of multiple recipes.
  • Show an alphabetically ordered list of distinct ingredients for the selected recipes. This should update as recipes are selected / unselected.
  • Persist the selections locally and regenerate the view on page refresh.
  • In a README note any required setup to be able to run the app, such as modifying hosts file, etc.