
Simple React app for GIPHY API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Giphy search app

Live url: https://flight.github.io/giphy/

React + Typescript + Tailwind CSS + daisyUI + Storybook + Vite + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Vitest + jest-dom (React Testing Library) + c8 + Cypress

Giphy search app

Initial setup:

  1. Install the node.js https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  2. Install the latest version of pnpm package manager npm install -g pnpm or brew install pnpm

  3. Install the dependencies pnpm install

  4. Create .env.local file in the project root folder with your GIPHY API key



pnpm start


The solution uses Storybook as the components style guide.

Giphy search storybook

To run the preview: pnpm storybook

To build the production Storybook setup: pnpm build-storybook

To run the preview server with the production Storybook build: pnpm preview-storybook

Production build

pnpm build

To run the preview server with the production build:

pnpm preview


Live mode pnpm test

Coverage check pnpm coverage

E2E tests pnpm e2e or pnpm e2e:silent to run in silent mode (on CI, for example)

Pre-commit checks pnpm pre-commit

Running in Docker:

  1. Install Docker Desktop.

  2. Create .env.local file in the project root folder with your GIPHY API key


  3. Run docker compose:

    docker-compose up

Navigate to the exposed urls:

To run the tests inside of the container, first connect to it:

docker exec -it giphy-frontend-1 "bash"

Then run the needed commands like:

pnpm test:silent

Design decisions

Good sides of the implementation

  • The dummy components and the business logic are completely separated, so the solution is can use Storybook pnpm storybook
  • The design is mobile-first, so can be used on any type of the devices
  • The building takes a few seconds
  • The unit-tests run takes 2-3 seconds
  • The E2E tests run takes a few seconds together with production build creation and serving

Next steps

  • Add tags autocomplete
  • Add endless scrolling
  • Add caching of the search results to the local storage
  • Improve test coverage
  • Improve the error handling and connect the TrackJS or Sentry IO
  • Set up CI / CD process. For example, using GitHub Actions or Gitlab CI/CD

Giphy search app