Latex Report Template

What's this about ?

This template takes advantage of latexmk and make to get a better LaTeX experience when writing big documents. All the file dependencies are handled by make (this allows for multi-threaded compilation), and everything can be compiled at once easily.

This template makes it possible to build chapters as standalone latex documents

Available targets

When you use make (with no specified target), make will show you an exhaustive list of everything you can build or do. It looks like this

:: latex-template ::

  | make all -j8  # Build everything using 8 threads
  | make main  # Build the main target
  | make target/main.pdf  # Same as: make main

List of PHONY targets:
  all                    Build everything
  changemainfilename     Change the main document's base name
  clean                  Delete compiled documents and latex-generated files
  figures                Build every figure in src/figures/
  help                   Print available targets
  main                   Build the main target
  newchapter             Make a new chapter
Main target:
List of figures:
List of chapters:

There are two PHONY targets that are especially relevant to this template: changemainfilename and newchapter. By default, your report's entrypoint will be the file main.tex, with the associated target target/main.pdf. You will probably want to change this to a more relevant file name, which can be accomplished easily using make changemainfilename.

When you want to start a new chapter, use make newchapter and a prompt will let you type in the filename used for that chapter and the actual title of that chapter. The relevant files are created using the chapter templates in .latex_templates/ (FN will be replaced with the filename, CN with the chapter's title).