
A comparison study between different FFT algorithms implemented in Java as part of the bachelor's degree. Implemented algorithms: Furier transform by definition, radix-2 (DIT) recursive, radix-2 (DIT) iterative, radix-2 (DIF) recursive, radix-4 (DIT) recursive, radix-4 (DIF) recursive, radix-4 (DIT) iterative, split radix (DIT), split radix (DIF), Bluestein's algoritm.

Primary LanguageEmberScript


A comparison study between different FFT algorithms implemented in Java as part of the bachelor's degree. Implemented algorithms: Furier transform by definition, radix-2 (DIT) recursive, radix-2 (DIT) iterative, radix-2 (DIF) recursive, radix-4 (DIT) recursive, radix-4 (DIF) recursive, radix-4 (DIT) iterative, split radix (DIT), split radix (DIF), Bluestein's algorithm (which uses radix-2 DIT for convolution).

Algorithms were compared with help of the ALGator system.

Each implementation which we mentioned above can be found in: PROJ-FurierTransform/algs/ALG-<algorithm_name>

  • Author: Žiga Zorman
  • Mentor: Tomaž Dobravec, Ph.D.




  • Henri J. Nussbaumer, "Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms: Second Corrected and Updated Edition",2. ed., Springer Series in Information Science, vol. 2, page 81-94, Berlin [etc.]: Springer, 1982.

  • E. Chu, A. George "Inside the FFT Black Box: Serial and Parallel Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms", Computational Mathematics Series, Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000.

  • John G. Proakis, Dimitris K. Manolakis "Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications", 4. ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 7(4), 2006.

  • P. Duhamel, Henk D. L. Hollmann. "Split radix FFT algorithm". Online