- make it so you cannot delete the root folder. This probably involves reworking/moving pathSanitize call.
- finish unit tests
nix-build .
./result/bin/server -h
go run ./cmd/server -generate > keys.pem
go run ./cmd/sever -user root -plaintextPassword toor
# Run SFTP server for user 'root' password 'toor' and take SSH keys from Stdin
# When you have a single file with both private and public key
cat keys.pem | go run ./cmd/server -user root -passwordHash d6aa6f8195f195aba1442934e28f20dd7c7ea342dd37cbb1ff422a15962f21e9 -hostkey - -endpoint
# Run SFTP server for user 'root' password 'toor' and take SSH keys from file `keys.pem`
go run ./cmd/server -hostkey ./keys.pem -passwordHash d6aa6f8195f195aba1442934e28f20dd7c7ea342dd37cbb1ff422a15962f21e9 -endpoint
Running with systemd socket activtion. Systemd will start the server and pass a socket. Server will automatically exit after being idle for 10 seconds.
# Here we're running the compiled server binary (rather than using `go run`)
systemd-socket-activate -l 2211 ./result/bin/server -socket -exit -hostkey ./keys.pem -passwordHash d6aa6f8195f195aba1442934e28f20dd7c7ea342dd37cbb1ff422a15962f21e9