
template repo for any new -models project

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Data Science Models - Quantum POC

This repo is a fork of the FlistsideCrypto/xyz-models repo, the xyz-models repo holds scafolding for DBT projects at Flipside Crypto. This repo is intended to be used as a POC for showcasing the capabilities of using Quantum Models with a streamine backend wherein a single DBT model can be used for both pull and push based workloads.

DBT Profile Set Up

Use the following template to set up your ~/.dbt/profiles.yml file:

  target: dev
      type: snowflake
      account: <ACCOUNT>
      role: <ROLE>
      user: <USERNAME>
      password: <PASSWORD>
      region: <REGION>
      database: DATASCIENCE_DEV
      warehouse: DBT_CLOUD
      schema: silver
      threads: 4
      client_session_keep_alive: False
      query_tag: <TAG>

Project setup

This project has been setup with fsc_utils v1.21.7 according to the instructions in the fsc_utils setup documentation. In addition livequery & livequery marketplace GHA models, schemas & functions have also been deployed to the DATASCIENCE_DEV database as per the instructions in the livequery setup & snowflake GHA tasks setup documentations.

Understanding the POC quantum model

Bronze Layer

The streamline__aptos_blocks_tx model follows the design pattern of a fsc streamline dbt model for ingesting data from a blockchain node, in this case an Aptos Node. It uses a reusable ephemeral dbt model that is designed to fetch data from the Aptos Node API endpoint for specific block heights that have not been fetched yet. Here's what the reusable ephemeral model does in more detail:

node_calls CTE: This CTE generates REST request URLs for the Aptos Node API endpoint based on block heights that have not been fetched yet. It does this by comparing the block_number from the streamline__aptos_blocks table and the block_number from the aptos.streamline.complete_blocks_tx table. The EXCEPT clause returns all block_number values that are in the streamline__aptos_blocks table (generated by usling a livequery call to get the block height at chainhead) but not in the aptos.streamline.complete_blocks_tx table. These are the block heights that have not been fetched yet. For each of these block heights, it generates a REST request URL and stores it in the calls column.

Final SELECT Statement: This statement fetches data from the API endpoint for each REST request URL generated in the node_calls CTE. It does this by calling the live.udf_api function with the GET method and the calls URL. The live.udf_api function is expected to return the response from the API endpoint. The final result includes the current timestamp as created_at and _inserted_timestamp, the block_height rounded to the nearest thousand as partition_key, and the API response as request.

Note When this model is run in streamline mode, based on the observer (i.e. the Snowflake user invoking the model being aws_lambda_*) the calls to the Aptos Node API are distributed to streamline AWS Lambda's that flush the responses to the appropirate Snowflake external tabes. See the streamline architecture overview for more details.

Sequence Diagram for the Bronze Layer Model

Aptos POC Model

NOTE: This model is intended to always run in streamline mode as it's purpose is to batch ingest data from the Aptos Node, as such being a quantum model, the mode is set based on who the "observer" is( in this case the user invoking the livequery AWS lambda ). Since this model is not schedule to run on a GHA cron, we spoof the user by setting the the user for this model through the a dbt pre-hook to set the session based context in the dbt_project.yml file here.

Invoking the bronze model

There is a make directive for invoking the bronze model. To invoke the model, ensure you have your ~/.dbt/profiles.yml setup according to the profile setup instructions and run the following make command:

make bronze

To view the work being "pushed" to the streamline backend for ingesting data from the Aptos Node API in streamline mode, run the following SQL query:

-- Set the snowflake console session context to the user invoking table
SET LIVEQUERY_CONTEXT = '{"userId":"aws_lambda_datascience_api"}';


Note: If you run the query above without setting the LIVEQUERY_CONTEXT session variable, you will be setting this to be run in livequery mode, wherein all the data will be fetched from the Aptos Node API in a single call and not distributed to the streamline backend but retrieved live.

To view the results of the model (the work "pushed" to a streamline backend), run the following SQL query:


Silver Layer

Invoking make silver will run the POC quantum dbt silver__blocks model.

Silver blocks

Quantum Synergy

Once the make silver invocation is complete, this resulting datascience_dev.silver__blocks view will contain all the data from the Aptos Node API calls from the bronze layer and the delta block_heights that were not present at the time of model invocation in the aptos.streamline.complete_blocks_tx table pulled in via the quantum state livequery mode.


Enabling batching for Quantum models

When in livequery mode, you can enable batching for your quantum models by setting the MAX_BATCH_ROWS param for the live.udf_api function. This will allow you to control the number of rows that are sent to the livequery backend via the _live.udf_api UDF.

This UDF is installed a part of the livequery setup. The default behaivor for livequery function setup is not to set MAX_BATCH_ROWS for the live.udf_api function. When it is not set Snowflake estimates the optimal batch size and uses that, this can cause timeouts from the livequery backend if the result set rows are too large to process for a AWS LAMBA.

To set the MAX_BATCH_ROWS for the live.udf_api function, you can run the following SQL command:

HEADERS = ('fsc-compression-mode' = 'auto')
AS 'https://65sji95ax3.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/stg/udf_api';

NOTE: You can also set fsc-compression-mode to auto, always or never to activate compresssion of the resposne payload, this will affect response time as it adds computation.

Tuning Streamline Models

For more details on using the udf params used in streamline mode post_hooks refer to the following:


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Applying Model Tags

Database / Schema level tags

Database and schema tags are applied via the add_database_or_schema_tags macro. These tags are inherited by their downstream objects. To add/modify tags call the appropriate tag set function within the macro.

{{ set_database_tag_value('SOME_DATABASE_TAG_KEY','SOME_DATABASE_TAG_VALUE') }}
{{ set_schema_tag_value('SOME_SCHEMA_TAG_KEY','SOME_SCHEMA_TAG_VALUE') }}

Model tags

To add/update a model's snowflake tags, add/modify the meta model property under config. Only table level tags are supported at this time via DBT.

{{ config(
            'table': {
                'PURPOSE': 'SOME_PURPOSE'
) }}

By default, model tags are not pushed to snowflake on each load. You can push a tag update for a model by specifying the UPDATE_SNOWFLAKE_TAGS project variable during a run.

dbt run --var '{"UPDATE_SNOWFLAKE_TAGS":True}' -s models/core/core__fact_swaps.sql

Querying for existing tags on a model in snowflake

select *
from table(datascience.information_schema.tag_references('datascience.core.fact_blocks', 'table'));