
Human Face Sentiment Identifier is an AI project for detecting and Identifying facial expression of human, like anger, happy, sad, etc.

Primary LanguagePHP

Human Face Sentiment Identifier

Human Face Identifier is an AI project for detecting human's facial expression, it can detect common expression of human can get. For now, this project only can detect with image based only. furthermore, i'm aiming to use webcam for capture user expression.

i'm using facial expression datasets for training of the models, the models was hosted and pre-trained in clarifai.

link of the datasets : https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/affectnet

link of the pre-trained models : https://clarifai.com/clarifai/main/models/face-sentiment-recognition


  • PHP7.0 or newer.
  • pecl
  • composer
  • gRPC 1.42
  • phpunit (optional for gRPC)
  • A clarifai account


  • just Clone this project $ git clone https://github.com/Fliw/HumanFaceSentimentIdentifier
  • run $ composer install wait until it finished
  • open index.phpfill the key using yours, then you're good to go.

Run the project

Run this project as php server on desired port or using Lampp Stack.


This project was open sourced project licensed under MIT License

indonesian translate

Identifikator Ekspresi Wajah Manusia adalah proyek AI (kecerdasan buatan) untuk mendeteksi ekspresi wajah manusia, proyek ini dapat mendeteksi ekspresi umum yang biasa manusia lakukan. untuk sekarang, proyek ini hanya bisa mendeteksi melalui gambar saja. selanjutnya, saya ingin menggunakan webcam untuk mendapatkan ekspresi wajah.

saya menggunakan dataset ekspresi wajah untuk pelatihan model, model dijalankan dan dilatih di clarifai.