
Primary LanguageJavaScript

RestaurantFAInder Frontend

Welcome to the RestaurantFAInder Frontend repository! This is the home of the source code for our intelligent system, RestaurantFAInder.


To get started, you'll need to clone this repository and set up the backend as well. The backend source code is available at iui-backend repository.

  1. Clone the frontend repository: git clone git@github.com:FloKit/iui-frontend.git
  2. Navigate to the frontend directory: cd iui-frontend/native-app
  3. Install dependencies: npm install


To run the app, you'll need additional dependencies like emulators. Refer to the React Native documentation for a comprehensive tutorial. Choose your Development OS and target OS, and follow the tutorial up to the sub-section Creating a new application (don't actually create a new application).

Instead of creating a new application, run the following command in your terminal to start the app: npm start. Open a new terminal tab and navigate to iui-frontend/native-app.


For iOS (works only on MacOS), navigate to the ios directory with cd ios and run pod install. After installing the pods, execute npm run ios to run the iOS app.


For Android, run npm run android.

Make sure the backend is running! In a new terminal tab, navigate to <PATH_TO_BACKEND_REPOSITORY>/backend and run python server.py.

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️


The geolocation library used in this app may not function correctly on the Android emulator, requiring location mocking. The default location used is the city center of Munich.

Please note that the iOS simulator does not use real coordinates. You can adjust them under the tab Features/Location/Custom Location....

Displaying Images

Unfortunately the Android simulator also has some problems of fetching and displaying images from APIs. On physical devices this works fine.

Loading Animation

On both iOS and Android the loading animation on the HomeScreen is buggy when searching for the first time. We tried everything to fix this bug, but unfortunately could not solve it.

The animation works for every search afterwards.