
Data and script to reproduce PCoA plot from the paper "Evolution of the human gut microbiota" to be published in Medecine/Science journal (INSERM)

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Data and script to reproduce PCoA plot from the paper "Evolution of the human gut microbiota" to be published in Medecine/Science journal (INSERM)

Data extracted from the following publications: 

Song SJ, Sanders JG, Delsuc F, et al. Comparative Analyses of Vertebrate Gut Microbiomes Reveal Convergence between Birds and Bats. mBio 2020 ; 11 : e02901-19.

Mazel F, Guisan A, Parfrey LW. Transmission mode and dispersal traits correlate with host specificity in mammalian gut microbes. Molecular Ecology 2023 

Amato KR, Mallott EK, McDonald D, et al. Convergence of human and Old World monkey gut microbiomes demonstrates the importance of human ecology over phylogeny. Genome Biol 2019 ; 20 : 201.

Wibowo MC, Yang Z, Borry M, et al. Reconstruction of ancient microbial genomes from the human gut. Nature 2021 ; 594 : 234–239.