
Rohan-Television. website helps people to buy any second-hand product that is sell any seller.The Seller can add many product for sell.

Live Link

Hosted in Firebase -> Rohan-Television.

Project Features and Functionality:

  • Add a navbar section where we can see different route(home, blog, Dashboard, login)
  • The Dashboard Route have will change based on users login(Buyers can see my orders option where he can get the information about product that he orders , Seller can see Add a product and my products route, admin can see all sellers and buyers)
  • Add different types of categoris and each category has different product, the buyers can book any products
  • The seller can add different kind of product and he can also adertise his product that is show the home page
  • Admin can delete any buyer and seller from all sellers and all buyers route
  • Using jwt authentication for verify any buyers and sellers
  • Blog section provide different types of question and answer
  • We add login and registration page also login page provide google login and during registration he can select buyer and seller

Use Resources

Framework -> Tailwindcss

Tailwind component library -> Daisy UI

Tailwind Components -> Kitwind

Tailwind Components -> Mamba UI

Icon -> ReactIcons

Toast -> ReactHotToast

Tooltip -> Tooltip