
Generate your favorite enviroments on Apple Vision Pro with AI

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Envi for Vision Pro 🥽 🌎

Envi is an innovative open-source application designed for Vision Pro users, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to generate immersive environments. By utilizing the Replicate API, Envi enables users to bring their digital worlds to life with unparalleled ease and flexibility.


Features 🚀

  • AI-Powered Environment Generation: Create stunning, realistic environments with the assistance of advanced AI algorithms.
  • User-Controlled API Integration: By incorporating your Replicate API token, you maintain full control over the application's operations and associated costs.
  • Open-Source Flexibility: Dive into the code, customize features, and tailor the application to fit your unique needs.

Installation 🛠️

  1. Clone the Repository

    Open your terminal and execute the following command to clone the Envi repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Flode-Labs/envi.git
  2. Open the Project in Xcode

    Navigate to the cloned repository's directory and open the project file (Envi.xcodeproj) in Xcode.

  3. Build and Run the Application

    Use Xcode to build and run the application on your Vision Pro device or an emulator. Ensure all dependencies are correctly configured within Xcode before launching.

Usage Example 📖

Envi offers two main menus for creating environments:

  • Examples Menu: Browse through a selection of pre-defined real-world environments to get inspired or to quickly demonstrate the capabilities of Envi.

  • Creation Menu: This is where your creativity comes into play. After saving your Replicate API token in the application's settings, navigate to this menu to specify the type of environment you wish to generate. Simply enter a description of your desired environment, and let Envi do the rest.

Remember, your Replicate API token is essential for this process, as it allows you to manage the operational aspects and costs associated with generating environments.

How to Contribute 🤝

We acknowledge our journey into Swift development for the Vision Pro platform has been a learning experience, and we anticipate potential issues or non-optimal practices in our codebase. Your expertise and contributions are invaluable to us:

  • Improving Code Quality: Suggestions for better practices or solutions to potential problems are highly appreciated.
  • Feature Requests: Have an idea for a new feature? Let us know or contribute directly by submitting a pull request.
  • Bug Reports: Encounter an issue? Report it by opening an issue, and we'll look into it promptly.

To contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request for review.

Acknowledgments 👏

A special thanks to the Replicate team for providing the API that powers Envi's environment generation capabilities.

Disclaimer 📝

This project is developed by enthusiasts passionate about technology and AI's potential. As we navigate through the intricacies of Swift development, we openly admit our learning curve and encourage the community to help us improve wherever possible.

License 📄

Envi is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

We're excited to see how you use and contribute to Envi! Let's create something amazing together. 🌟