This is based on Omori's BlåhajDB

BGX InterruptDB by Flofian

What does it do?

This can be used to easily figure out if the enemy is casting a spell I can cancel, and it gives the user control over each spell individually

How to use it

There are fully working examples at Flofian - BGXInterruptExamples

Include "Interrupt.h" in your champion script

#include "Interrupt.h"

Initializing the menu

void InterruptDB::InitializeCancelMenu(tab, smallMenu, boolMenuDanger, debugUseAllies);
Parameter Type Description
tab TreeTab* Required. Pre-Created Tab
smallMenu bool Optional. This makes the menu less indented
boolMenuDanger int Optional. Use this to change the menu from sliders to checkboxes (see below)
Set this to the minimal danger level you want to have enabled by default
debugUseAllies bool Optional. Only used for debugging, shows menu for allies instead of enemies

Getting cast importance of the enemy

int InterruptDB::getCastingImportance(target);
Parameter Type Description
target game_object_script Required. Target to check
return int Returned Value
If using sliders: returns slider value
If using Checkboxes: returns 0 or 1

Getting cast data of the enemy

interruptableSpell InterruptDB::getInterruptable(target);
Parameter Type Description
target game_object_script Required. Target to check
return interruptableSpell Returned Value
Custom spelldata struct (see below)
struct interruptableSpell {
    float minRemainingTime;
    float maxRemainingTime;
    float expectedRemainingTime;
    int dangerLevel;
Parameter Description Example: Pyke Q at cast start Example: VelKoz R at cast start
minRemainingTime How long the target has to charge the spell 0 (could release instantly) 1 (can only recast after 1s)
maxRemainingTime How long the target could theoretically charge the spell 3 (could charge for 3s) 2.8 (max duration)
expectedRemainingTime How long the target is most likely to charge the spell 1 (needs to charge for 1s for full range) 2.8 (most often used fully)
dangerLevel Same as getCastingImportance (by default 0, depends on menu) (by default 3, depends on menu)

Misc: Get Display Name

std::string InterruptDB::getCastingImportance(target);
Parameter Type Description
target game_object_script Required. Target to check
return std::string Returned Value
The real name of the champion, since for example Wukong is internally called MonkeyKing

Menu Showcase

InterruptDB::InitializeCancelMenu(interruptSettingsTab, true, 2)

Screenshot (11)

InterruptDB::InitializeCancelMenu(interruptableSpellsTab, true, 2)

Screenshot (12)

InterruptDB::InitializeCancelMenu(interruptableSpellsTab, false, 2)

Screenshot (13)

InterruptDB::InitializeCancelMenu(interruptableSpellsTab, false)

Screenshot (14)

InterruptDB::InitializeCancelMenu(interruptableSpellsTab, true)

Screenshot (15)


  • Change structure to make it a class, allowing multiple menus (for example 1 boolMenu for Q, 1 boolMenu for R)
  • Allow boolMenu to include multiple Spells (for example on Nami: only use R to interrupt Katarina R, and dont use Q)
  • Add into stuct if the target can move during the spell
  • (Maybe) Figure out how many R shots Jhin has left to fix expectedRemainingTime on him
  • (Maybe) Figure out the expectedRemainingTime on more spells based on allies/enemies nearby (example: Janna will stop using R when all allies nearby are full hp)
  • (Maybe) Figure out a way to fix buffs not being accurate (example Lucian R)