
This is a Django web application that allows users to view posted projects and their details.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Awwards Zone

By Floice Nyota Ndiiya


This is a Django web application that allows users to view posted projects and their details.

User Stories

User Can :-

  • View posted projects and their details
  • Post a project to be rated/reviewed
  • Rate/ review other users' projects
  • Search for projects
  • View projects overall score
  • View my profile page

Access the website

Need the latest browser to be able to View

Follow this link https://awwards-zonenyota.herokuapp.com/

It is hosted by heroku

Setup and Installation

To get the project .......

Clone Repository:
Install and activate Virtual Enviroment virtual
cd Awwards-Zone && python3 -m venv virtual && source virtual/bin/activate 
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt 
Setup Database

SetUp Database User,Password, Host then following Command

python manage.py makemigrations awwards_app 

Now Migrate

python manage.py migrate 
Run Application
python3 manage.py server 
Test Application
python manage.py test photo

Open the application on your browser


Get all Projects -> see json list here

Get all Profiles -> see json list here

Technology used

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

  • Git

  • Python, Django Framework

  • Heroku


  • It may take a while to load due to the size of the photos

Contact Details


@FloiceNyota (Twitter)

@Floice Nyota Slack Moringa


This Project is under the MIT license