
This is an amazing application that will help us manage our passwords and even generate new passwords for us.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Floice Nyota


This is an amazing python application that help us manage our passwords and even generate new passwords for us. The users can create account with their details, a login username and password.


You need to have git installed You can install it with the following command in your terminal $ sudo apt install git-all


To access this project on your local files, you can clone it using these steps

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Use this command to clone $ git clone ttps://github.com/FloiceNyota98/password-locker.git
  3. This will clone the repositoty into your local folder. Then cd Password-Locker
  4. Run the command python3 run.py in the terminal
  5. List of command options given, chose what to do...
    • create: command to create new account choosing your own password
    • create-auto: command to create account with auto generated password
    • exit: command to quit the program
  6. Create user account,proceed to login and list of other command is given. Chose what to do...
    • display-u: command to display user details
    • find-u: command to search for user
    • copy-e: command to copy email address
    • delete-u: command to delete user
    • display-c: command to display credentials
    • find-c: command to search credentials
    • copy-pwd: command to copy password
    • delete-c: command to delete credentials


Creating new user account with user inputing password

Creating new user account with autogenerated password

Login to account

User functions

Credential functions

Behaviour Driven Development

  1. Provides command options to run when run.py is executed
    • INPUT: Python3.6 run.py command entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: Options to create user account with own password, with autogenereate password and command to exit displayed
  2. Creates user account with user defined password
    • INPUT: Command create is entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: Step by step input prompts to provide user details
  3. Creates user account with autogenerated password
    • INPUT: Command create-auto is entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: Step by step input prompts to provide user details with password generate automatically
  4. Provides a command to login
    • INPUT: Command login enterd in the terminal
    • OUTPUT: Login interface displayed
  5. Displays an error message if password or username invalid
    • INPUT: Wrong username or password
    • OUTPUT: ACCESS DENIED error message displayed
  6. Provide commands to execute on successful login
    • INPUT: Correct username and password
    • OUTPUT: Command to display,find,copy, and delete user details and credentials
  7. Shows user account and credentials
    • INPUT: Command display-u or display-c entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: User account details or credentials displayed
  8. Searches user account and credentials by number
    • INPUT: Command find-u or find-c is entered in terminal
    • INPUT: Phone number to search for entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: User account details or credentials for the user account displayed
  9. Copy user account email and credentials password
    • INPUT: Command copy-e or copy-pwd entered in terminal
    • INPUT: Phone number to copy its data entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: User account email or password copied
  10. Deletes user account and credentials
    • INPUT: Command delete-u or delete-c entered in terminal
    • INPUT: Phone number to delete its data entered in terminal
    • OUTPUT: User account details or credentials for the user account deleted

Technologies Used

  • Python

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This project is under:
License: MIT
Copyright © 2021 FloiceNyota98


Twitter: @FloiceNyota
Email: floice.ndiiya@student.moringaschool.com