
This is a website that displays my photos.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Created on 19th October 2021

By Floice Nyota Ndiiya


This is A PhotoGallery Application that is able to display my photos for others to see with different categories and various locations.

User Stories

User Can :-

  • View different photos that interest them
  • Click a single image to expand it and view the details of that photo
  • Search for different categories
  • Copy a link to the photo to share with their friends.
  • View photos based on the location they were taken.

Access the website

Need the latest browser to be able to View

Follow this link https://photogallerynyota.herokuapp.com/

It is hosted by heroku

Setup and Installation

To get the project .......

Clone Repository:
Install and activate Virtual Enviroment envgallery
cd photogallery && python3 -m venv envgallery && source envgallery/bin/activate 
Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt 
Setup Database

SetUp Database User,Password, Host then following Command

python manage.py makemigrations photo 

Now Migrate

python manage.py migrate 
Run Application
python3 manage.py server 
Test Application
python manage.py test photo

Open the application on your browser

Technology used

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

  • Git

  • Python, Django Framework

  • Heroku


  • It may take a while to load due to the size of the photos

Contact Details


@FloiceNyota (Twitter)

@Floice Nyota Slack Moringa


This Project is under the MIT license