
Small garbage collector

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

How to use it

First, set garbage collector callbacks:

#include "GcInfoCallbacks.hpp"

int main() {
        [](const char* pWarningMessage) {
            // garbage collector produced a warning message
            // do something here (log the message for example)
        [](const char* pCriticalErrorMessage) {
            // garbage collector produced a critical error message
            // do something here (log the message for example)
            // most likelly the GC will throw an exception or crash after this callback

Use GC smart pointers:

#include "GcPtr.h"

class Foo {
    Foo(int iValue) : iValue(iValue) {}
    sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pFoo; // works similar to `std::shared_ptr`

    int iValue = 0;

    const auto pFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>(42); // similar to `std::make_shared`
    // don't do this: `sgc::makeGc<Foo>(new Foo(42));` it will produce a critical error (see limitations section)

    pFoo->pFoo = pFoo;

// 1 allocation is still alive.
assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().getAliveAllocationCount() == 1);

// Somewhere in your code call the garbage collection to delete no longer referenced (no longer reachable) allocations.
assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().collectGarbage() == 1); // 1 allocation deleted

// No GC allocations exist.
assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().getAliveAllocationCount() == 0);

When you need to store a GcPtr in a container use special "GC containers", for example:

#include "GcPtr.h"
#include "gccontainers/GcVector.hpp"

// DON'T use this, this may leak memory in some cases (see limitations section).
std::vector<sgc::GcPtr<Foo>> vStdVec;

// Use this (treat as a usual `std::vector`):
sgc::GcVector<sgc::GcPtr<Foo>> vGcVec; // `GcVector` wraps `std::vector` and adds some GC related logic

There's no dynamic_pointer_cast, just use a regular dynamic_cast, for example:

sgc::GcPtr<Parent> pParent = dynamic_cast<Parent*>(pChild.get());
assert(pParent != nullptr);

// try casting to a wrong type
sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pFoo = dynamic_cast<Foo*>(pChild.get());
assert(pFoo == nullptr);



Most of the cases listed below trigger a critical error message so even if you forget about something you will be notified as long as you bind to GC callbacks.

  • GcPtr objects can only hold objects that were allocated using makeGc calls
sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pFoo1 = sgc::GcPtr<Foo>(new Foo()); // critical error
sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pFoo2 = new Foo(); // also critical error

sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pGcFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>();
Foo* pRawFoo = pGcFoo.get();
sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pAnotherGcFoo = pRawFoo; // perfectly valid since `Foo` object was previously allocated using `makeGc`
  • GcPtr objects can fail when holding objects of types that use multiple inheritance
class MultiChild : public Parent1, public Parent2 { /* ... */ };

const auto pMultiChild = sgc::makeGc<MultiChild>(); // fine

// Cast to first parent.
sgc::GcPtr<Parent1> pParent1 = pMultiChild; // also fine

// Cast to second parent.
sgc::GcPtr<Parent2> pParent2 = dynamic_cast<Parent2*>(pParent1.get()); // critical error
  • Avoid capturing GcPtr objects in lambdas as it may leak memory in some cases, for example:
class Foo {
    std::function<void()> callback;

    auto pFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>();
    pFoo->callback = [pFoo]() {}; // create a cyclic ref

    // We have only 1 allocation.
    assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().getAliveAllocationCount() == 1);

// 1 allocation is still alive.
assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().getAliveAllocationCount() == 1);

assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().collectGarbage() == 0); // nothing was deleted
assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().getAliveAllocationCount() == 1);

// Clear lambda.
pLeakedFoo->callback = []() {};

assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().collectGarbage() == 1);
assert(sgc::GarbageCollector::get().getAliveAllocationCount() == 0);

About containers

  • Storing GcPtr objects in "non-GC containers" such as std::vector generally won't leak the memory but such GcPtr objects will be incorrectly placed in the garbage collector's node graph and thus may cause memory leaks.

  • The main problem with "non-GC containers", lambdas and similar things is cyclic reference. Imagine a class that stores some non-GC container with GcPtrs inside of it. Because in most cases that non-GC container stores its items in some other (allocated) place GcPtrs don't know that they belong to some container/object, thus the incorrect node graph makes the garbage collector think that your no longer referenced allocation is still used somewhere.

  • But there are exception, such as std::pair or std::array. Storing GcPtr objects in std::pair is perfectly fine because std::pair does not store inner objects in some other (allocated) place while containers like std::vector do. Here is a very simplified example of what's going on with std::pair:

class Foo {
    std::pair<std::recursive_mutex, sgc::GcPtr<Foo>> mtxSomeFoo;

// This is perfectly fine because pair is just:

class pair {
    FirstType first;
    SecondType second;

// Thus when the `makeGc` allocates outer `Foo` object (not `mtxSomeFoo.second`), addresses (in memory) of that `first` and `second` fields will belong to the memory region of the `Foo`. This way the inner `GcPtr<Foo>` will detect that it belongs to some outer GC object.
const auto pOuterFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>();         // marked as a root (top-level) node
pOuterFoo->mtxSomeFoo.second = sgc::makeGc<Foo>(); // this inner `Foo` is marked as a child of the outer (root) `Foo`

const auto pOuterFoo = std::make_shared<Foo>();    // you can also do this if you want but
pOuterFoo->mtxSomeFoo.second = sgc::makeGc<Foo>(); // this inner `Foo` is marked as a root (top-level) node
                                                   // because there's no outer GC allocated `Foo`, which is valid

Thread safety

  • You can modify the same GcPtr object simultaneously from multiple threads. Note, we are talking about GcPtr object, not about its inner allocation that it's pointing to. For example:
sgc::GcPtr<Foo> pFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>();

// launch 2 threads and pass `pFoo` by a ref or a raw pointer (i.e. no `GcPtr` copy):

// --- thread #0 --- | ---- thread #1 ----         // you CAN do this and it should be valid since
std::move(pFoo);     |  pFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>(); // `GcPtr` has some synchronization inside of it but generally 
// ----------------- | -------------------         // you will just copy `GcPtr` object into another thread
  • You can call garbage collection from a non-main thread.

  • Avoid situations when no GcPtr object is pointing to your makeGc allocated object to pass it somewhere else, for example:

GcPtr<Foo> pGcFoo = makeGc<Foo>();
Foo* pRawFoo = pGcFoo.get();

pGcFoo = nullptr; // at this point no `GcPtr` is referencing `Foo` and thus `Foo` is unreachable (subject to be deleted)

// `Foo` can be deleted here if GC is called from another thread (not the current one)

GcPtr<Foo> pAnotherFoo = pRawFoo; // might trigger a critical error since `pRawFoo` is not `nullptr`

// -------------- instead do this: --------------

GcPtr<Foo> pGcFoo = makeGc<Foo>();
Foo* pRawFoo = pGcFoo.get();

GcPtr<Foo> pAnotherFoo = pRawFoo; // now 2 `GcPtr` objects reference `Foo`

pGcFoo = nullptr; // now just 1 `GcPtr` object references `Foo`
  • Don't synchronously wait for another thread that operates with GC entities in the constructor/destructor of your GC-controlled type (talking only about constructor and destructor, other functions are fine), for example:
class Foo {
    Foo() {
        const auto pPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
        auto future = pPromise->get_future();

        addThread([pPromise]() {
            const auto pOther = sgc::makeGc<...>(); // or any other GC operation (will cause a deadlock here)


        future.get(); // this will cause a deadlock because we're in constructor of GC-controlled type

    ~Foo() {
        // same thing here, copy-paste code from constructor and a deadlock will occur here

const auto pFoo = sgc::makeGc<Foo>();

Examples of storing GC pointers in various places

Here are some typical GcPtr use-cases where you might ask "is this OK?" and the answer is "yes":

class Collected {};

class Inner {
    sgc::GcPtr<Collected> pCollected;

class Outer {
    Inner inner; // not wrapping into a `GcPtr`

    Outer outer;
    outer.inner.pCollected = sgc::makeGc<Collected>();

    // `pCollected` is alive
} // goes out of scope but still alive, waiting for GC


// `pCollected` is freed now, everything runs as expected

Another example:

void foo(const sgc::GcPtr<MyClass>&);

void MyClass::bar() {
    foo(sgc::GcPtr<MyClass>(this)); // constructing a `GcPtr` from `this` is fine ONLY
                                    // IF `this` object was previously allocated using `makeGc`

Another example:

class Collected {};

struct MyData {
    void allocate() { pCollected = sgc::makeGc<Collected>(); }

    sgc::GcPtr<Collected> pCollected;

    std::vector<MyData> vMyData;      // intentionally not using `GcVector` because not storing `GcPtr<MyData>` items
    // sgc::GcVector<MyData> vMyData; // won't compile because `GcVector` only accepts `GcPtr` items

    constexpr size_t iDataSize = 10;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < iDataSize; i++) {
        MyData data;

    // array objects are alive here
} // array goes out of scope but still alive, waiting for GC


// array objects are freed now, everything runs as expected

You can find more examples in the directory src/sgc_tests/src.

How to add it to your project

In your cmake file:

add_subdirectory(<some path here>/sgc SYSTEM)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC sgc_lib)

Adding support for new containers

Similarly to GcVector you can add support for other containers to store GcPtrs in them. In order to implement a new "GC container" you need to use GcVector implementation as a reference and make sure to follow these rules:

  • GcPtr elements in your internal container (non-GC container that you are wrapping) should pass false as bCanBeRootNode template parameter of GcPtr, for example: std::vector<sgc::GcPtr<InnerType, false>>.
  • Make sure your "GC container" has the following requirement: !std::derived_from<ValueType, GcContainerBase> because containers inside of containers are not supported.
  • Member functions that modify the container's size or its capacity (such as push_back, insert, reserve and etc.) must lock the mutex GarbageCollector::get().getGarbageCollectionMutex() until the operation is not finished, see GcVector::push_back as an example.
    • Same thing for copy/move constructors and assignment operators of your container.
  • Make sure to call notifyGarbageCollectorAboutDestruction in your GC container's destructor.
  • Make sure that your internal container (non-GC container that you are wrapping) stays in a valid state after it was moved (for example, has a size of 0) so that the garbage collector can still iterate over it without any problems after it was moved.
  • Implement all tests from sgc_tests/src/containers/VectorTests.cpp according to your container's functionality.
  • Add some usage of your new container to the multi-threaded tests at src/sgc_tests/src/MultithreadingTests.cpp (similar to how GcVector is used there).



First, clone this repository:

git clone <project URL>
cd <project directory name>
git submodule update --init --recursive

Then, if you've never used CMake before:

Create a build directory next to this file, open created build directory and type cmd in Explorer's address bar. This will open up a console in which you need to type this:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. // for debug mode
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. // for release mode

This will generate project files that you will use for development.


To update this repository:

git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive


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The documentation can be generated by executing the doxygen command while being in the docs directory. If Doxygen is installed, this will be done automatically on each build.

The generated documentation will be located at docs/gen/html, open the index.html file from this directory to see the documentation.
