
Small mods I've made for Deepest Sword that aren't big enough to be their own repo

Primary LanguageC#BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Small mods I've made for Deepest Sword that aren't big enough to be their own repo.

Installing the mods

First, you can download the BepInEx mod loader here.

After you downloaded it, extract everything in it's zip file into the directory that has the Deepest Sword .exe file (it's usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Deepest Sword\)
After that, you should run the game once to initialize BepInEx.

Second, you can download one or more of my mods from the release page.
Then you can drag the mod(s) into ..\Deepest Sword\BepInEx\plugins\

You should be able to run the game now!

Building the projects

  1. Install Visual Studio 2022 with the ".NET Desktop Development" package.
  2. Download and extract, or clone this repository.
  3. Open up the directory of the mod you want to change (same directory as the .sln file), and make a BuildVars directory.
  4. In the BuildVars directory make a text file called deepest_sword_path.txt and paste in the path to the directory you installed Deepest Sword in.
  5. In the lib directory, paste in the following things:
    • All the DLLs in ..\Deepest Sword\BepInEx\Core (besides Harmony20.dll).
    • From ..\Deepest Sword\Deepest Sword_Data\Managed, the following DLLs:
      1. Assembly-CSharp.dll
      2. Cinemachine.dll
    • After that, you can download and extract NStrip and put the NStrip.exe in the lib directory. Then from the terminal CD into the lib directory and run:
      .\NStrip -p -cg --cg-exclude-events --remove-readonly Assembly-CSharp.dll Assembly-CSharp-nstrip.dll.

Now you should be able to open the .sln file of the mod you want to modify/contribute to!

I'd also recommend you use the UnityExplorer mod for development, as it helps you look around the game scenes and modify the game in real-time.