
Talk proposals for the OverEngineered conference

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OverEngineered 2017: Talks

This repository contains talk proposals for the OverEngineered 2017 conference.

We're after talks about stupidly overengineered projects that serve no particular purpose. Things that Heath Robinson would be proud of. For instance, if you've put an REST API on your shed (you know who you are). Or you have built a car entirely out of spoons. Could be code, could be hardware, could be entirely non-computer-related. The main thing is, you did something in an excessively complicated way for fun. Come and tell us how, and why.

Submitting a talk

To submit a talk, copy example.md, fill in the details, and send a pull request.

How is this overengineered?

  1. You have to specify the duration in ISO8601
  2. Later on we'll include it as a submodule in the main website and if that's not overengineering it, I don't know what is.