Project name: Atenea


📝Project description:

Atenea is an app to consult and manage school grades. This project is being developed in a context of Fullstack Bootcamp in Málaga.


Sketch Figma Atomic Design Workflow

Mobile format (Student):

Screen format (teacher):



👩‍💻Group members:

💻How to install this project

  1. Clone the project
git clone
  1. Create a MySQL database called "Atenea"

  2. Create an .env file in the text editor copying the content of .env.example and modify the name of the database (laravel by ¨Atenea¨)

  3. Install dependencies

      install npm
      composer install
  1. Activate the server and keep this terminal open
      npm run dev
  1. Import database
      php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
  1. Open php server
      php artisan serve

👀Run test:

To run the tests open terminal and enter the command

php artisan test vendor/bin/phpunit

- Methodology Agile with Scrum.
- Mob Programming.
- Pair Programming.
- TDD.
- Software Design Pattern MVC developed with Laravel framework.

🧪Next Steps:
- Some design tweaks and improvements.
- Finish the CRUD of the grades and integrate the drag 'n drop.
- Add more teachers and subjects.
- Add more functions to the app such as exam dates or relevant information.
- Upgrade the app with more classrooms/groups, academic years and the possibility to develop it for multiple schools.

****The "gradesCopy" branch contains a partial CRUD in progress.****