
University project for Industrial Consulting Project (QHO635) module

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Logo

Build Status Total Downloads Latest Stable Version License


Live deployed project:

Prerequisites for running locally:

  • You have installed :

PHP minimum v8.2.7


Laravel 10

WAMP/XAMPP (that will include the Apache and MySQL Server)

  • Grab the project files

Create a new folder, open a terminal, run git clone https://github.com/FloreaCT/consulting_project.git or just copy the folder from Solent

  • Get the .env file

Inside the project folder, run cp .env.example .env to create the .env file or copy the file from the Solent package

  • MySQL is up and running

MySQL is online on port 3306 or modify the DB_PORT from the .env file to your currently running sql port

Populate the database by either importing the provided sql database or run php artisan migrate inside the project folder

Have an user account set up with the credentials user = 'root' password = '' or modify the DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD from the .env file to reflect your user account

  • Install dependencies

npm install

composer install

php artisan migrate in the case you chose not to import the provided sql file

  • Run project

run inside the terminal of the project folder php artisan serve

Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 or