
A simple implementation of the Karatsuba multiplication algorithm

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

Karatsuba multiplication

This is a simple implementation of the Karatsuba multiplication algorithm in Verilog. The Karatsuba algorithm has a lower asymptotic complexity than textbook multiplication (in $\Theta(B^{\log_2(3)})$, where $B$ is the bit depth, versus $\Theta(B^2)$), so is typically faster for large numbers.

NB: Fourier-based algorithms are even more efficient asymptotically, with complexities in $O(B , (\log B)^\alpha)$ for positive any $\alpha > 1$.



Let $N$ be a positive integer. We assume we have a computing device which can perform mutiplications of non-negative integers smaller than $N$.

Let $a$ and $b$ be two non-negative integers smaller than $N^2$, and $c = a \times b$. We can choose four non-negative integers $a_0$ $a_1$, $b_0$, and $b_1$ smaler than $N$ such that $a = a_1 N + a_0$ and $b = b_1 N + b_0$. Then,

$$ c = a_1 b_1 N^2 + (a_1 b_0 + a_0 b_1) N + a_0 b_0 . $$

The product $c$ of $a$ and $b$ can thus be computed using $4$ multiplications and $4$ additions. Using this identity recursively, and neglecting the cost of additions, multiplying the number of bits of $N$ by $2$ thus multiplies the number of mutiplications by $4$. The complexity is thus quadratic in the number $B$ of bits of $N$.

This complexity can be reduced by noting that

$$ a_1 b_0 + a_0 b_1 = (a_0 + a_1) (b_0 + b_1) - a_0 b_0 - a_1 b_1 . $$

The product $c$ can thus be computed using $3$ multiplications (of numbers with at most $B+1$ bits), $5$ additions, and $2$ subtractions. The small drawback of this approach is that it involves a multiplication of two numbers which may be as high as $2 (N - 1)$, which is larger than $N$ if $N > 2$. However, in practice it is usually more efficient.


Let $C_m(B)$, $C_a(B)$, and $C_s(B)$ denote the numbers of operations required to perforn, respectively, a multiplication, an addition, and a subtraction of numbers with $B$ bits. Using the Karatsuba algorithm, we have:

$$ C_m(2 B) = C_m(B+1) + 2 C_m(B) + 2 C_a(B) + 2 C_a(2B) + 2 C_s(B+1). $$

Let us look for asymptotically exponential solutions, such that

$$ C_m(B) \mathop{\sim}_{B \to \infty} \beta B^\alpha, $$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are two positive numbers. The cost of additions and subtractions are linear, and thus negligible for large values of $B$. In the limit $B \to \infty$, the above equation thus becomes:

$$ \beta 2^\alpha B^\alpha \mathop{\sim}_{B \to \infty} \beta (B+1)^\alpha + 2 \beta B^\alpha . $$

Since $\beta$ is not equal to $0$, this may be simplified as:

$$ 2^\alpha \mathop{\sim}_{B \to \infty} \left( 1 + \frac{1}{B} \right)^\alpha + 2, $$

which is true if and only if $2^\alpha = 3$, i.e., $\alpha = \log_2(3)$.

The complexity of the multiplication is thus

$$ C_m(B) \mathop{\propto}_{B \to \infty} B^{\log_2(3)} \approx B^{1.58496} . $$

The Karatsuba multiplication module

The module karatsuba_mul is defined in the file src/karatsuba_mul.v.


  • N_BITS: Number of bits to represent each natural number (also called bit depth). We use a binary little-endian representation. So, if $n$ is a natural integer and $a_0$, $a_1$, ..., $a_n$ are $n+1$ elements of $\lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace$, the array $[a_0, a_0, \dots, a_n]$ represents the number $\sum_{l=0}^n 2^l , a_l$.
  • MAX_N_BITS_STANDARD_MUL: Maximum bit depth for which the textbook multiplication algorithm is used instead of the Karatsuba algorithm. This parameter must be at least equal to $3$. (The algorithm shown above does not work for N_BITS = 3 as $a_0 + a_1$ and $b_0 + b_1$ then also have a bit depth of $3$, so the algorithm would not terminate.)


  • a (input wire, size N_BITS): left input
  • b (input wire, size N_BITS): right input
  • c (output wire, size 2*N_BITS): product of a and b

How to run the tests


  • Verilator (tested Verilator 5.003 devel rev v5.002-12-g2a3eabff7).
  • A C++ compiler compatible with Verilator (tested with g++ 11.3.0).

Run a test

If you have make, you may run the test TEST` using the command

make name=TEST test

You may also use directly

verilator --cc --exe --build tests/TEST.cpp tests/TEST.v --top-module TEST

to build the test. The executable will be placed in obj_dir/VTEST.

The tests currently implemented are:

  • addition: a simple test of the addition module
  • subtraction: a simple test of the subtracttion module
  • mul_2: multiplication of 2-bit numbers
  • karatsuba_1: first Karatsuba multiplication test

The command

make all_tests

compiles and runs all the tests.