
A flask learning application

Primary LanguageHTML

Flask/CouchDB web application

Using the Flask microframework and Jinja2 template renderer for python to develop a web application with simple document datastore interactions.


The container orchestration configuration script. docker-compose.yml defines the 3 services used for this application: flask, couch, and couch-setup. These 3 services are chained (depends_on) to ensure the CouchDB is created and configured before the @app.route('/baseball') route makes a request against it.

docker-compose up --build

builds the images before starting container services.


Contains Dockerfile and misc. configuration required to create the couchdb container image.


Contains Dockerfile and misc. configuration required to configure the couchdb container shortly after startup. See docker-compose.yml.

load.py executes a series of requests against the couch service creating the database, loading some data, and creating a view to query against.


Contains Dockerfile and misc. configuration required to create the flask container image.

service.py is the api service entrypoint.


service.py has several endpoints to exercise basic API operations with the flask framework and CouchDB. A browser client is available @ http://localhost:5000 after cloning this repository and issuing the docker-compose up command.


Deprecated, but worth mentioning... service.bat is docker-compose before I started working with compose.

  1. *-build create the service container - flask or couch
  2. *-run runs the container image


Runs the Flask app on the host windows machines. local requires the proper Python configuration to run this application on your local machine. Using a virtual environment helps to avoid contaminating the native python installed libraries.

The following commands will create and activate a virtual environment.

> python -m virtualenv .\env
> .\env\Scripts\activate

Once activated, the required libraries can be installed using the requirements.txt file in the root directory.

> pip install -r requirements.txt

Open your browser and navigate to localhost:5000.