
The Crank Nicolson Solver to solve 1D time dependent Schrödinger equation.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


The Crank Nicolson Solver to solve 1D time dependent Schrödinger equation.

The main function is in CrankNicolsonSolver.m. The input parameters are

  • psi: function handle of variable (array) x, initial wave function;
  • Vfunc: function handle of variables (array) x and t, potential function;
  • x1: double, left position limit;
  • x2: double, right position limit;
  • NumX: int, spatial partition number;
  • tau: double, evolution time;
  • NumT: int, temporal partition number;
  • m: double, particle mass;
  • hbar: double, Planck constant;
  • fileID: string, file to store the data.

The output of the function CrankNicolsonSolver is the final wave function as a NumX$\times$1 array. A file with name fildID is also generated to store the intermediate wave functions as a NumT$\times$NumX complex matrix.

Periodic boundary condition is assumed.

HO.m is an analytically solvable example, a 1D harmonic oscillator. The data was written in HO.txt. The evolution process is displayed in HO.avi generated by plotHOsolution.m.

The MATLAB function readmatrix will read number of the form 'a+-bi' generated by writematrix as NaN, which is stupid. So I write readComplexMatrix.m to change 'a+-bi' to 'a-bi' and then read it from the txt file.