👋 HI

My name is Florian, currently working in technical support as TwinCAT HMI Product Specialist where I am learning a lot about web frameworks. I plan to have a bunch of interesting samples available here, so I'd be happy to take suggestions!

Additionally I have an interest in programming in general, music and 3D art. Especially combining these disciplines for various results and reasons is something I really enjoy.

I am currently learning:

And always happy to have some constructive discussion or cool collaborations!


Repository name Find it here Short description
twincat-hmi-plc-events-basics link Small project showing the interaction between TC PLC and TC HMI with event communication
TcHmi-UserControlToFWControl link Quick example of a possible conversion between TwinCAT HMI user control and Framework control
twincat-micro-machine-simulation link Very basic introduction to PLC programming in TwinCAT
pyads-example link Introduction to python wrapper for ADS communication with some use case examples


Repository name Find it here Short description
Cmajor-SimpleFixedDelay link Basic implementation of a fixed delay line in cmajor

3D Art (and tools)

Repository name Find it here Short description
RayTracingFromTheGroundUp link Working repository for a python implementation of Raytracing From The Ground Up by Kevin Suffern
Blender-UsePip link Quick and dirty integration menu for easily adding packages to the blender installed python, mostly used as a practice tool for me to understand how to add menu items to the UI
viewLayerRenderSync-blender-addon link Quick addon to sync view layers to render paths

AI and ML

Repository name Find it here Short description
ML_SVC_Generator link SVC implementation using sklearn, with data generation and onnx export (ipynb)



Want to learn