
🔧 Yet Another Dotfiles Repo: a set of Bash, Git, SSH & Tmux configuration files

Primary LanguageShell

📖 Yet Another Dotfiles Repo

To setup a new environment:

$ cd ~
$ git clone "git://github.com/zanbaldwin/dotfiles.git" "~/.dotfiles"
$ ~/.dotfiles/install.sh


Swapping Caps Lock with Escape

  1. sudo apt install dconf-tools
  2. dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options "['caps:swapescape']"

Alternatively, you can use the dconf-editor GUI once DConf tools are installed.

Use caps:escape instead if you want to just set Caps Lock to Escape instead of swapping the functionality of the keys.

Changing Screenshot Save Directory

Change the screenshot save directory using either dconf-editor or one of the following commands:

gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-screenshot auto-save-directory "/home/${USER}/Pictures/Screenshots"
dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-screenshot/auto-save-directory "/home/${USER}/Pictures/Screenshots"

This will not change the behaviour of the PrtScr button:

  1. Go to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts.
  2. Disable the keyboard shortcut for the current PrtScr action (Save a screenshot to Pictures).
  3. Add a new keyboard shortcut for PrtScr with the command gnome-screenshot.
  4. Optionall, do the same for Save a screenshot of an area to Pictures with gnome-screenshot -a.
  5. Optionall, do the same for Save a screenshot of an window to Pictures with gnome-screenshot -wb.

Ubuntu Crashes/Freezes During Installation

For problems with nVidia drivers: nomodeset instructs the kernel to load the video/graphics drivers after the X display server is started. Disabling the graphics driver at boot time removes the conflict; after login / display server start, the graphics card is loaded again.

  1. During GRUB, edit the target entry and add nomodeset at the end of the list of parameters for linux.
  2. Save and exit, booting with the modified config.
  3. Proceed with installation as usual.
  4. Install nVidia drivers as soon as possible:
    • Software & Updates → Additional Drivers
  5. Alternatively, disable graphics drivers permanently (not recommended):
    • sudo nano /etc/default/grub
    • Add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
    • sudo update-grub

Default Audio Output

Using PulseAudio control, list the audio devices registered and set your chosen one as the default.

Output Devices
# List all audio output devices registered with system
pactl list short sinks
# Set an ID from the list as the default (eg, "alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__hw_sofhdadsp__sink")
pactl set-default-sink "${CHOSEN_SINK_ID}"
Input Devices
# List all audio input devices registered with system
pactl list short sources
# Set an ID from the list as the default (eg, "alsa_input.usb-Blue_Microphones_Yeti_X_2102SG013BE8_888-000316110306-00.analog-stereo")
pactl set-default-source "${CHOSEN_SOURCE_ID}"

Running a Local DNS Server

SystemD automatically runs a stub DNS server on port 53. To disable this:

  1. Set DNSStubListener to no in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
  2. Symbolically link this config file to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf: sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/systemd/resolved.conf