Bot - Igo- Dictionnary


cf package.json > engines


npm i


good luck with all variable in config.js

Secret variable

rename secret.js.example in secret.js

Var name Desc
TOKEN Auth token, you get it on discordapp
BOT_PREFIX the first char you write to easy command

For heroku

all in secret.js must be in variable


Lauch dev

in config.js be sur of exports.ENV = 'dev';

then npm run serve

Production with heroku

  • on

  • create an application (it will be the bot s name)

  • bot > add a bot > Token > copy > paste it in your secret

  • oauth2 > check bot > copy link > open in a new tab > add the bot to your server

  • on

  • new app > deploy > do ... as you want or as you can to add code (you can find it in

  • settings > Configs Vars > Reveal Configs Vars > set all your vars

  • Deploy > Manual deploy > Deploy Branch

  • Resources > activate web and worker

  • if you want to see log: more > views logs



igo_dictionnary is the first discord bot related with the anciant strategical chinese game popularized by japan : the so called game of go. Its main aim is to help beginners in their go journey by clarifying the fearsome go jargon. Through elegant and efficient commands, the user is able to acces to a large number of go related thermes with flawless definitions and explicit illustrations alongside. In this manner, concepts such as 'ishi no shita' or 'sabaki' will have no secrets for the neophyte. Ultimately our igo_dictionnary bot will act like a giant online vivid and interactiv encyclopedia, providing the go discord community a top-notch educational tool.



  • docker build -t fccj/igo-bot-dictionary -f docker/Dockerfile-dev .

  • version=1.0.0; docker build --build-arg creation_date=$(date --iso-8601=seconds) --build-arg image_revision=$(git log -n1 --format=format:"%h") --build-arg image_version=${version} -t fccj/igo-bot-dictionary:${version} -f docker/Dockerfile-prod .

  • docker run fccj/igo-bot-dictionary: bof

  • docker run -d --rm -m "300M" --env-file ".env" --name my-bot-i-01 fccj/igo-bot-dictionary: mieux

  • docker logs my-bot-i-01


  • renomer le .env.example en .env
  • remplir le token dans .env
  • docker-compose --compatibility up -d
