How to clone/mirror/sync a GitLab repo to GitHub

The following method only syncs from GitLab to GitHub!

  1. Create GitLab Repo and push content
  2. Create GitHub Repo
  3. Copy SSH link of GitHub Repo
  4. Go to GitLab Repo Settings -> Repository
  5. Expand "Mirroring repositories"
  6. Paste SSH link in the URL field.
    1. Add "ssh://" in the beginning
    2. Change the column (:) between and username to slash (/)
  7. Click "Detect Host Keys"
  8. Select "SSH public key" as authentication method
  9. Click "Mirror repository"
  10. Copy SSH public key
  11. Go to GitHub Repo Settings -> Deploy Key
  12. Click "Add deploy key" (top right)
  13. Enter a name like "GitLab Sync"
  14. Paste the SSH public key
  15. Allow write access
  16. Click "Add key"
  17. Synchronization is not executed immediately. Wait a bit.