
Basic structure for bringing am ESP8266 into WiFi, connecting to a MQTT broker and sending data to open.DASH.


See the src/main.cpp for example.

Create a OpenDashConnector object

OpenDashConnector odc = OpenDashConnector(MQTTServerAddress, MQTTPort, MQTTUserName, MQTTPassword, OpenDashUserName, enableResetButton, ResetButtonPin);

The WiFiManager will create an AP if no WiFi credentials are stored in EEPROM or if the stored WiFi is not available. When connecting to this AP, there is a web-interface to insert all important data. Stored data can be reset with the reset pin (high-active).


Creating an OpenDashSensor:

OpenDashSensor<TYPE> Temperature = OpenDashSensor<TYPE>("TESTID","TEST TEMPERATUR","Temperatur","°C", OPENDASH_TYPE::NUMBER,"MQTT/TOPIC");

First, specify which datatype is used internally to store the sensor value ( TYPE = int, long, float, double, String). Second, define the open.DASH parameters.

Sending data to open.DASH:

Measure the value for your sensor. This is depending on your sensor.
Store the value in the open.DASH sensor -> Temperature.SetValue(value);
Send the Data to open.DASH -> odc.Send(Temperature);

Keep connection alive:

In Arduino loop, call odc.update(); This function checks the WiFi connection and reconnects to WiFi and MQTT if necessary. This funcation should be called regularly.

