Universal ViaVersion, ViaBackwards and ViaRewind standalone implementation
This library is mainly designed for clientside implementations, it is also very abstract and doesn't give the
implementors much room to change ViaVersion, for a platform with less abstraction you can look at ViaProtocolHack.
If you encounter any issues, please report them on the
issue tracker.
If you just want to talk or need help with ViaLoadingBase feel free to join my
Projects implementing ViaLoadingBase
- ViaForge: Clientside ViaVersion for Forge
- ViaFabricPlus: Fabric mod to connect to EVERY Minecraft server version (Release, Beta, Alpha, Classic, Snapshots, Bedrock) with QoL fixes to the gameplay
Add this to your own project
repositories {
maven {
url = ""
maven {
url = ""
dependencies {
implementation "com.viaversion:viaversion:4.7.0-23w17a-SNAPSHOT"
implementation "com.viaversion:viabackwards:4.7.0-23w17a-SNAPSHOT"
implementation "com.viaversion:viarewind-core:2.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
implementation "org.yaml:snakeyaml:2.0"
implementation "com.github.FlorianMichael:ViaLoadingBase:4.5.0" //
// You also need Netty, Guava and Log4j in your class path, but they should be there if your project is based on Minecraft.
implementation ""
implementation "io.netty:netty-all:5.0.0.Alpha2"
implementation "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.19.0"
Which library do I need?
If your platform is older than the latest Minecraft version, you need ViaVersion + ViaBackwards, if your platform is 1.8.x,
you need ViaVersion + ViaBackwards + ViaRewind, otherwise you only need ViaVersion:
A 1.8.x
Minecraft client for example would need ViaVersion + ViaBackwards + ViaRewind
A 1.12.x
Minecraft client for example would need ViaVersion + ViaBackwards
A 1.19.x
Minecraft client, for example, would need ViaVersion
Example implementation
public void init() { // Basic code to load all platforms which are in the class path
runDirectory(new File("ViaVersion")).
The most important part is the modification of your netty pipeline. This is needed for ViaVersion to translate the packets in both ways.
final UserConnection user = new UserConnectionImpl(channel, true);
new ProtocolPipelineImpl(user);
channel.pipeline().addLast(new VLBPipeline(user) {
public String getDecoderHandlerName() {
return "decoder";
public String getEncoderHandlerName() {
return "encoder";
public String getDecompressionHandlerName() {
return "decompress";
public String getCompressionHandlerName() {
return "compress";
In case your platform has compression, you can call the CompressionReorderEvent at the end of the compression code to correct the compression.
channel.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(new CompressionReorderEvent());
ViaLoadingBase will use the provided handler names in the VLB Pipeline in order to do that.
For a mcp based implementation you can have a look at the code inAPI examples
ViaLoadingBase also offers a system to compare the target version with other versions:
if (ViaLoadingBase.getInstance().getTargetVersion().isOlderThan(ProtocolVersion.v1_8)) {
// Code is executed when the target version is < than 1.8
if (ViaLoadingBase.getInstance().getTargetVersion().isOlderThanOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.v1_16_4)) {
// Code is executed when the target version is < = than 1.16.4
if (ViaLoadingBase.getInstance().getTargetVersion().isNewerThan(ProtocolVersion.v1_12_2)) {
// Code is executed when the target version is > than 1.12.2
if (ViaLoadingBase.getInstance().getTargetVersion().isNewerThanOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.v1_14_4)) {
// Code is executed when the target version is > = than 1.14.4
if (ViaLoadingBase.getInstance().getTargetVersion().isEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.v1_10)) {
// Code is executed when the target version is equal to 1.10
The versions are compared according to the order in which they are loaded, each protocol version that is loaded gets an
index that is then used for comparison, so if a platform is loaded last, its protocols are treated as oldest.
Below is explained how to determine the pure sequence
To define a range of versions you can use the ProtocolRange class:
final ProtocolRange allVersionsAbove1_8 = ProtocolRange.andNewer(ProtocolVersion.v1_8);
final ProtocolRange allVersionsUnder1_12_2 = ProtocolRange.andOlder(ProtocolVersion.v1_12_2);
final ProtocolRange only1_18_2 = ProtocolRange.singleton(ProtocolRange.v1_18_2);
if (allVersionsAbove1_8.contains(ProtocolVersion.v1_10)) {
// Check if a version is in the range
The class also has a toString() method that automatically formats the range
How to load platforms
public class ExampleImplementation {
private final Platform examplePlatform = new Platform(
() -> ViaLoadingBase.inClassPath("net.exampledev.exampleplatform.ExamplePlatform"), // Checks if the platform class is in the class path
protocolVersions -> protocolVersions.addAll(ExamplePlatformVersions.PROTOCOLS));
public void main() {
platform(examplePlatform). // will set the platform as last
platform(examplePlatform, 0). // will set the platform as first
runDirectory(new File("ViaVersion")).
For some example implementations and applications you can have a look at the code in ViaFabricPlus