
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Control by Gesture

Repsoitory for iAT Control by Gesture project during WS21/22 at ifA TU Dresden.

How to run

Requirments: Python>=3.7 (has only been tested with Python3.8 but 3.7 should work as well)

0. Install dependencies

  1. Download Kinect for Windows Runtime 2.2.1811 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=57578)
  2. Install vcredist_x64.exe
  3. Install kinectsensor.inf
  4. Install KinectRuntime-x64.msi
  5. Download Kinect for Windows SDK 2.0 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44561)
  6. Install KinectSDK-v2.0_1409-Setup.exe
  7. pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. see Problem solving section

When using a virtual environment activate it:


1. Run the mock server (only necessary when official server is not available)

1.1 Navigate into server folder

cd .\server\

1.2 Run server.py with python

python .\server.py

2. Run the client

2.1 Set kinect_connected in main.py to True if you want to run the client with the kinect or to False if you just want to try the client-server interaction and the frontend.

2.2 Set self.simulation in main.py to True if you want to use the mock server instead of the official IfA "Kleinversuchsanlage" Server or to False otherwise.

2.3 Run main.py with python

python .\main.py

3. Possible Gestures and Control Flow:

Possible gestures:

left hand:

  • swipe left to change to next frame, only possible when on starting view
  • swipe right to change back to previous frame, when pumping it stops pumping and returns to starting view instead

right hand:

  • when not confirming a selection leave hand open!
  • selecting a tank:
    • select tank via right hand x-movment
    • confirm selected tank by closing open hand
  • choosing a volume:
    • choose volume by moving open hand up and down
    • confirm selected volume by closing open hand

Control Frame Overview:

View with white background to have readable text!

4. Bugs and how to solve them

PyKinect2 is not maintained anymore, here are 2 common fixes you should apply after install.
Python3.8 compatibility issues: Kinect/PyKinect2#87
PyPi outdated package, follow this comment to fix: Kinect/PyKinect2#37 (comment)


The Repository has been published under the MIT license. The details can be viewed in the LICENSE file