LBmaster Advanced Groups API

This is a little tool that can be run next to the Advanced Groups Mod from LBmaster ( It simply offers a basic API for the configuration to manage dynamic parts from somewhere else.

Currently, only prefix Groups management is implemented in the API, which is the most dynamic part of the config.


This tool does work only, if:

  • You have a dedicated server box, where you can run executables on, Game-Service-Providers (GSP, like GTX, Nitrado or so) will not work
  • You have installed and configured the Advanced Groups Mod already (that's out of the scope of this Readme)
  • You have some basic understanding of Server maintenance


Basically, it's as easy as that:

  • Download the latest version of this tool from the automated builds (take the most-top green build) or from the releases page
    • There is a windows and linux binary, take the one for your platform
  • Copy the binary to some location on your server (the server where your DayZ server runs as well)
  • Start the executable once (if a window opens, close that for now)
  • A new file, config.json, should have been created next to the executable in the same directory; open it in your favorite text editor
  • Change the following config, according to your setup:
    • the port -> it defaults to 8080, which is fine. If the port, however, is already used, choose some other port (e.g. when you run multiple instances of this tool)
    • the advanced_groups_config_path -> the absolute path to the Advanced Groups config file (\ needs to be escaped with another backslash, e.g. a path like D:\some\path\Config.json becomes D:\\some\\path\\Config.json)
  • Start the tool again by double-clicking it

That's it, the tool should start and be ready to serve your requests. You might need to change your firewall or router settings to either forward or whitelist traffic for the port you just configured in the cconfig.json file.


The tool offers a REST-like API, which allows you to modify some parts of the config of Advanced Groups.


The tool uses a pre-configured API key to authenticate and authorize requests, which can be found in the config.json. Everyone who knows this API key can issue requests to the tool, and they will be fulfilled.

In order to make an authenticated request, add the Authorization header to your HTTP requests with the Bearer scheme, e.g.

Authorization: Bearer abc123

Given the API key is abc123.

Available endpoints

The following list will give you an overview of available endpoints offered by this tool:

GET /api/prefixGroups

Lists available prefix groups.

Example response:

    "index": 0,
    "prefix": "[VIP] "

GET /api/prefixGroups/<index>

Lists members of that prefix group.


  • : The index of the prefix group to query, e.g. 0

Example request: GET /api/prefixGroups/0

Example response:


PUT /api/prefixGroups/<index>/<steamUID>

Adds the requested Steam UID to the given prefix Group.


  • : The index of the prefix group to query, e.g. 0
  • : The steam UID of the profile you want to add to the prefix group

Example request: GET /api/prefixGroups/0/76561122222222222

Example response:

The response is always empty. A successful request is indicated by a 204 status code.

DELETE /api/prefixGroups/<index>/<steamUID>

Removes the requested Steam UID from the given prefix Group.


  • : The index of the prefix group to query, e.g. 0
  • : The steam UID of the profile you want to remove from the prefix group

Example request: DELETE /api/prefixGroups/0/76561122222222222

Example response:

The response is always empty. A successful request is indicated by a 204 status code.

GET /api/prefixGroups/<index>/<steamUID>

Can be used to check if a specific Steam UID is member of the given prefix Group.


  • : The index of the prefix group to query, e.g. 0
  • : The steam UID of the profile you want to check the membership of

Example request: GET /api/prefixGroups/0/76561122222222222

Example response:

The response is always empty. If the steam UID is member of the prefix group, the status code will be 204. If the steam UID is not member of the prefix group, the status code will be 404.