
Path tracing renderer and utilities for three.js built on top of three-mesh-bvh.

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Path tracing project using three-mesh-bvh and WebGL 2 to accelerate high quality, physically based rendering on the GPU. Features include support for GGX surface model, material information, textures, normal maps, emission, environment maps, tiled rendering, and more!

More features and capabilities in progress!


Beauty Demos

Physically Based Materials

Lego Models

Interior Scene

Depth of Field


Skinned Geometry Support

Morph Target Support

Area Light Support

Test Scenes

Material Test Orb

Transmission Preset Orb

Model Viewer Fidelity Scene Comparisons

Light Baking

Ambient Occlusion Material


Basic Renderer

import * as THREE from 'three';
import { FullScreenQuad } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/Pass.js';
import {
} from 'three-gpu-pathtracer';

// init scene, renderer, camera, controls, etc

renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping;

// initialize the path tracing material and renderer
const ptMaterial = new PhysicalPathTracingMaterial();
const ptRenderer = new PathTracingRenderer( renderer );
ptRenderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
ptRenderer.camera = camera;
ptRenderer.material = ptMaterial;

// if rendering transparent background
ptRenderer.alpha = true;

// init quad for rendering to the canvas
const fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
	map: ptRenderer.target.texture,

	// if rendering transparent background
	blending: THREE.CustomBlending,
} ) );

// ensure scene matrices are up to date

// initialize the scene and update the material properties with the bvh, materials, etc
const generator = new PathTracingSceneGenerator();
const { bvh, textures, materials, lights } = generator.generate( scene );

// update bvh and geometry attribute textures
ptMaterial.bvh.updateFrom( bvh );
ptMaterial.normalAttribute.updateFrom( geometry.attributes.normal );
ptMaterial.tangentAttribute.updateFrom( geometry.attributes.tangent );
ptMaterial.uvAttribute.updateFrom( geometry.attributes.uv );

// update materials and texture arrays
ptMaterial.materialIndexAttribute.updateFrom( geometry.attributes.materialIndex );
ptMaterial.textures.setTextures( renderer, 2048, 2048, textures );
ptMaterial.materials.updateFrom( materials, textures );

// update the lights
ptMaterial.lights.updateFrom( lights );
ptMaterial.lightCount = lights.length;

// set the environment map
const texture = await new RGBELoader().loadAsync( envMapUrl );
ptRenderer.material.envMapInfo.updateFrom( texture );


// ...

function animate() {

	// if the camera position changes call "ptRenderer.reset()"

	// update the camera and render one sample

	// if using alpha = true then the target texture will change every frame
	// so we must retrieve it before render.
	fsQuad.material.map = ptRenderer.target.texture;

	// copy the current state of the path tracer to canvas to display
	fsQuad.render( renderer );


Blurred Environment Map

Using a pre blurred envioronment map can help improve frame convergence time at the cost of sharp environment reflections. If performance is concern then multiple importance sampling can be disabled and blurred environment map used.

import { BlurredEnvMapGenerator } from 'three-gpu-pathtracer';

// ...

const envMap = await new RGBELoader().loadAsync( envMapUrl );
const generator = new BlurredEnvMapGenerator( renderer );
const blurredEnvMap = generator.generate( envMap, 0.35 );

// render!

Dynamic Scenes

Using the dynamic scene generator the same, frequently updated scene can be converted into a single reusable geometry multiple times and BVH refit which greatly improves subsequent scene updates. See DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator docs for more info.

import { DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator } from 'three-gpu-pathtracer';

// ... initialize scene etc

const generator = new DynamicPathTracingSceneGenerator( scene );
const { bvh, textures, materials } = generator.generate( scene );

// ... update path tracer and render

Asynchronous Scene Generation

NOTE WebWorker syntax is inconsistently supported across bundlers and sometimes not supported at all so the PathTracingSceneWorker class is not exported from the package root. If needed the code from src/worker can be copied and modified to accomodate a particular build process.

import { PathTracingSceneWorker } from 'three-gpu-pathtracer/src/workers/PathTracingSceneWorker.js';

// ...

// initialize the scene and update the material properties with the bvh, materials, etc
const generator = new PathTracingSceneWorker();
const { bvh, textures, materials, lights } = await generator.generate( scene );

// ...



Utility class for tracking and rendering a path traced scene to a render target.


readonly samples : Number

Number of samples per pixel that have been rendered to the target.


readonly target : WebGLRenderTarget

The target being rendered to. The size of the target is updated with setSize and is initialized to a FloatType texture.


camera = null : Camera

The camera to render with. The view offset of the camera will be updated every sample to enable anti aliasing.


material = null : ShaderMaterial

The Path Tracing material to render. This is expected to be a full screen quad material that respects the "opacity" field for every pixel so samples can be accumulated over time. The material is also expected to have cameraWorldMatrix and invProjectionMatrix fields of type Matrix4.


tiles = ( 1, 1 ) : Vector2

Number of tiles on x and y to render to. Can be used to improve the responsiveness of a page while still rendering a high resolution target.


stableNoise = false : Boolean

Whether to reset the random seed to 0 when restarting the render. If true then a consistent random sample pattern will appear when moving the camera, for example.


alpha = false : Boolean

Whether to support rendering scenes with transparent backgrounds. When transparent backgrounds are used two extra render targets are used, custom blending is performed, and PathTracingRenderer.target will change on every completed sample.


constructor( renderer : WebGLRenderer )


setSize( size : Vector2 ) : void

Sets the size of the target to render to.



Renders a single sample to the target.


reset() : void

Resets and restarts the render from scratch.


Utility class for generating the set of data required for initializing the path tracing material with a bvh, geometry, materials, and textures.


generate( scene : Object3D | Array<Object3D>, options = {} : Object ) : {
	bvh : MeshBVH,
	materials : Array<Material>,
	textures : Array<Texture>,
	lights : Array<Light>

Merges the geometry in the given scene with an additional "materialIndex" attribute that references the associated material array. Also produces a set of textures referenced by the scene materials.


extends PathTracingSceneGenerator

See note in Asyncronous Generation use snippet.


async generate( scene : Object3D | Array<Object3D>, options = {} : Object ) : {
	bvh : MeshBVH,
	materials : Array<Material>,
	textures : Array<Texture>,
	lights : Array<Light>


dispose() : void


extends THREE.PerspectiveCamera

An extension of the three.js PerspectiveCamera with some other parameters associated with depth of field. These parameters otherwise do not affect the camera behavior are are for convenience of use with the PhysicalCameraUniform and pathtracer.


focusDistance = 25 : Number

The distance from the camera in meters that everything is is perfect focus.


fStop = 1.4 : Number

The fstop value of the camera. If this is changed then the bokehSize field is implicitly updated.


bokehSize : Number

The bokeh size as derived from the fStop and focal length in millimeters. If this is set then the fStop is implicitly updated.


apertureBlades = 0 : Number

The number of sides / blades on the aperture.


apertureRotation = 0 : Number

The rotation of the aperture shape in radians.


anamorphicRatio = 1 : Number

The anamorphic ratio of the lens. A higher value will stretch the bokeh effect horizontally.


extends THREE.Camera

A class indicating that the path tracer should render an equirectangular view. Does not work with three.js raster rendering.


A variation of the path tracing scene generator intended for quickly regenerating a scene BVH representation that updates frequently. Ie those with animated objects or animated skinned geometry.

In order to quickly update a dynamic scene the same BVH is reused across updates by refitting rather than regenerating. This is significantly faster but also results in a less optimal BVH after significant changes.

If geometry or materials are added or removed from the scene then reset must be called.


constructor( scene : Object3D | Array<Object3D> )

Takes the scene to convert.


generate() : {
	bvh : MeshBVH,
	materials : Array<Material>,
	textures : Array<Texture>

Generates and refits the bvh to the current scene state. The same bvh, materials, and textures objects are returns after the initial call until reset is called.


reset() : void

Resets the generator so a new BVH is generated. This must be called when geometry, objects, or materials are added or removed from the scene.


Utility for generating a PMREM blurred environment map that can be used with the path tracer.


constructor( renderer : WebGLRenderer )


generate( texture : Texture, blur : Number ) : DataTexture

Takes a texture to blur and the amount to blur it. Returns a new DataTexture that has been PMREM blurred environment map that can have distribution data generated for importance sampling.


dispose() : void

Disposes of the temporary files and textures for generation.


extends THREE.ShaderMaterial

Convenience base class that adds additional functions and implicitly adds object definitions for all uniforms of the shader to the object.


setDefine( name : string, value = undefined : any ) : void

Sets the define of the given name to the provided value. If the value is set to null or undefined then it is deleted from the defines of the material. If the define changed from the previous value then Material.needsUpdate is set to true.


extends MaterialBase


	// The number of ray bounces to test. Higher is better quality but slower performance.
	bounces = 3 : Number,

	// The physical camera parameters to use
	physicalCamera : PhysicalCameraUniform,

	// Geometry and BVH information
	bvh: MeshBVHUniformStruct,
	normalAttribute: FloatVertexAttributeTexture,
	tangentAttribute: FloatVertexAttributeTexture,
	uvAttribute: FloatVertexAttributeTexture,
	materialIndexAttribute: UIntVertexAttributeTexture,
	materials: MaterialsTexture,
	textures: RenderTarget2DArray,

	// Light information
	lights: LightsTexture,
	lightCount = 0: Number,

	// Environment Map information
	envMapInfo: EquirectHdrInfoUniform,
	environmentRotation: Matrix3,
	environmentIntensity = 1: Number,

	// background blur
	backgroundBlur = 0: Number,

	// Factor for alleviating bright pixels from rays that hit diffuse surfaces then
	// specular surfaces. Setting this higher alleviates fireflies but will remove some
	// specular caustics.
	filterGlossyFactor = 0: Number,

	// The colors to use for the gradient background when enabled.
	bgGradientTop: Color,
	bgGradientBottom: Color,

	// The transparency to render the background with. Note that the "alpha" option
	// must be set to true on PathTracingRenderer for this field to work properly.
	backgroundAlpha: 1.0,



	// Whether to use multiple importance sampling to help the image converge more quickly
	FEATURE_MIS = 1 : Number,

	// Whether to use the "bg" gradient fields to sample for the background

	// The number of transparent pixels to allow on top of existing bounces for object transparency.



extends WebGLArrayRenderTarget

A convenience extension from WebGLArrayRenderTarget that affords easily creating a uniform texture array from an array of textures.


	renderer : WebGLRenderer,
	width : Number,
	height : Number,
	textures : Array<Texture>
) : void

Takes the rendering context to updateh the target for, the target dimensions of the texture array, and the array of textures to render into the 2D texture array. Every texture is stretched to the dimensions of the texture array at the same index they are provided in.


Uniform for storing the camera parameters for use with the shader.


updateFrom( camera : PerspectiveCamera | PhysicalCamera ) : void

Copies all fields from the passed PhysicalCamera if available otherwise the defaults are used.


extends DataTexture

Helper texture uniform for encoding materials as texture data.


threeCompatibilityTransforms = false : Boolean

Three.js materials support only a single set of UV transforms in a certain fallback priority while the pathtracer supports a unique set of transforms per texture. Set this field to true in order to use the same uv transform handling as three.js materials.

See fallback order documentation here.


setSide( index : Number, side : FrontSide | BackSide | DoubleSide ) : void

Sets the side to render for the given material.


setMatte( index : Number, matte : Boolean ) : void

Sets whether or not the material of the given index is matte or not. When "true" the background is rendered in place of the material.


setCastShadow( index : Number, enabled : Boolean ) : void

Sets whether or not the material of the given index will cast shadows. When "false" materials will not cast shadows on diffuse surfaces but will still be reflected. This is a good setting for lighting enclosed interiors with environment lighting.


updateFrom( materials : Array<Material>, textures : Array<Texture> ) : void

Updates the size and values of the texture to align with the provided set of materials and textures.

The "matte" and "side" values must be updated explicitly.


extends DataTexture

Helper texture uniform for encoding lights as texture data.


updateFrom( lights : Array<Light> ) : void

Updates the size and values of the texture to align with the provided set of lights.


Stores the environment map contents along with the intensity distribution information to support multiple importance sampling.


updateFrom( environmentMap : Texture ) : void

Takes an environment map to process into something usable by the path tracer. Is expected to be a DataTexture so the data can be read.



mergeMeshes( meshes : Array<Mesh> ) : {
	materials : Array<Material>,
	textures : Array<Textures>,
	geometry : BufferGeometry

Merges the set of meshes into a single geometry with a materialIndex vertex attribute included on the geometry identifying the associated material in the returned materials array.

Shader Chunks


Set of functions for performing material scatter and PDF sampling. See the implementation for full list of functions.


Set of functions for performing light sampling. See the implementation for full list of functions.


Material and light struct definition for use with uniforms. See the implementation for full list of functions.


Set of randomness and other light transport utilities for use in a shader. See the implementation for full list of functions.


  • The project requires use of WebGL2.
  • All textures must use the same wrap and interpolation flags.


Sample materials

"SD Macross City Standoff Diorama" scene by tipatat

"Interior Scene" model by Allay Design

Perseverance Rover, Ingenuity Helicopter models by NASA / JPL-Caltech

Gelatinous Cube model by glenatron

Lego models courtesy of the LDraw Official Model Repository

Octopus Tea model by AzTiZ

Botanists Study model by riikkakilpelainen

Japanese Bridge Garden model by kristenlee


Raytracing in One Weekend Book

PBR Book
