🎨Yet another CSS framework for the modern utility web.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

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forthebadge uses-css forthebadge uses-js forthebadge uses-html

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YetAnotherCSS Framework is a new utility and component based modern framework. This simple to use framework is inspired by the Tailwind framework with some extra predefined components you can use.

There are a lot of beautiful prestyled components you can use and customize easily with the help of the utility based classes and colors.

💥 Getting Started

These instructions will help you getting started with YACSS.

🔨 Quick install


npm install yacss


yarn add yacss



Import YACSS by importing the css and js file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./yacss.min.css" />
<script src="./yacss.min.js"></script>
    primaryColor: 'blue',
    accentColor: 'purple',
    classes: ['all'],

Configure the theme

With the following lines of code, you can initialize the theme of YACSS.

    primaryColor: 'blue',
    accentColor: 'purple',
    classes: ['all'],

Classes will be the imported utility classes. You can find all utility classes here.

You can select the primary and accent color of the predefined colors.

💡 Contributing

Coming Soon

🎨 Versioning

Coming Soon

😎 Authors

📕 License

This project is licensed under MIT