
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a Tweego conversion of an adult Twine game made by FloricSpacer, which is in turn based on a CYOA by an anonymous author.

To build:

  • install Git and clone this repo
  • run ./build.sh from the command line

If you want to use an already installed version of Tweego, either add it to your shell's PATH or set the TWEEGO environment variable to its location (including the name of the executable itself). Otherwise, the build script will try to automatically download a version of Tweego suitable for your operating system and use that.

Arguments given to build.sh are passed on to Tweego. In particular, the -w option is useful: this makes Tweego watch the source files and as soon as any of them changes, it rebuilds the game. In the example below, companions.twee was edited, triggering a rebuild:

$ ./build.sh -w
Using downloaded Tweego: tools/tweego
Compiling to: Abyss Diver.html

Watch mode started.  Press CTRL+C to stop.

Recursively watched paths: 1

BUILDING: Abyss Diver.html
WRITE: src/companions.twee
BUILDING: Abyss Diver.html