
OpenAI based project generator

Primary LanguagePython

Jarvis - AI Code Project Generator

Jarvis is an AI-driven Python tool that empowers you to tackle various tasks such as problem-solving, book writing, code creation, and more. This personal side project utilizes the OpenAI API to provide an interactive and dynamic coding experience.


To install Jarvis, use Poetry, a package manager for Python. Once Poetry is installed, run the following command:

poetry install

This will install all the necessary dependencies for the project.

How to Use

Start Weaviate

docker-compose up -d

Starting the AI.

python app

The AI will try to complete your goals.


Commands utilized by the AI

-start_coding_assistant # specialized in writing code


To use Jarvis, you need an OpenAI API key. To set up your API key, create a settings.py file in the app/settings directory of the project and add the following code:

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key.


Jarvis is licensed under the MIT License.